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Has anyone had an uncomfortable experience with open carry nuts? I refer to them as nuts because they are completely insensitive to other individuals, and just have a point to prove. I was eating dinner one day, and a open carry nut came in was seated in front of me. I complained and the waitress moved me . There's no way i I could enjoy my dinner with a complete stranger sitting in the booth in front of me that was armed with a deadly weapon pointed in my direction.

Kojaksmom 8 May 24
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My late partner was on a work party trip to Patos island with a group. They camped out for several days. Later she saw the neighboring camper (who had a couple of kids) was walking around with a gun on his hip. Everybody, was really nervous about this. She was not afraid of anything and told him how the rest felt about his presence.
People who go to a small island away from people and who feel enough fear to carry their weapons have a real problem and need to be suspect. The paranoia that has been created by the gun industry and NRA have exacerbated the violence problem in this country to the point of being a really vicious circle!!! You are damn right, these people need to be avoided.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 25, 2018

I live in Northern Florida, or as we like to say the Confederate South of Florida. We have open-carry 2nd Amendment types all over here. However, we recently got our city council to remove a “Johnny Rebel” statue from the front of the old city building. It took 3 years, and the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy were pretty mad - but, it’s done. Baby steps.

lkpalmer Level 4 May 25, 2018

Couldn't agree more. Overcompensating? Worried about the advancing hordes of 'non-whites' ? Getting ready for the zombie apocalypse? Fucking Y'allqaeda? Fucking nuts...

kmdskit3 Level 8 May 24, 2018

They think they are "Defenders of Freedom" but what they really are are men acting like boys playing soldier with real guns.

I would call the police. The police will come and check the gun nut out. Even if open carry is legal, maybe the nut will get tired of being stopped all the time by the police.

dare2dream Level 7 May 24, 2018

No, not in public but I don't get out much. 😉

Recently, however, my mother's best friend has been trying to cope with it. She has four children (all 30+ aged adults) and a lot of grandchildren. Her youngest son is an open carry nut ... not to sound malicious, but he's so into open carry that he insists on wearing his gun when coming to his mother's house for family functions. That, to me, is a nut. He's been asked repeatedly to keep it locked in his truck when he comes into the house and goes ballistic about it. Now, all of her other children have said they won't bring their family to her house if he's there wearing his gun so she's frantic trying to make it work for all of them.

Lauren Level 8 May 24, 2018

That is sad and it really does show the conservative gun nuts mentality. the entire universe revolves only around them

I think it's sad as well, @Kojaksmom, to tear apart a family and distress your 80+ yr old mother over something like this.

@Lauren it is! and we all have to remember we can have this person evaluated if we think he is a danger to himself or others, but what the law does not allow is for us to take away his gun.

Why? This is a good time to send a message, either the gun goes or you go.

@JackPedigo It is a good time, I know, but I can understand how hard it is to ban one of her kids from her home.

@Lauren So I am hearing the cord has not been cut yet. This is the result of not setting a good example and being able to let go. Unfortunately, this is common among a lot of mothers to the diservice of themselves and their children. BTW I have a daughter.

Sorry, @JackPedigo, I don't believe this is an issue of cord-cutting. I can't imagine anyone being happy about banning their child from their home no matter the reason.

@Lauren No one said she should be happy about it. A parent is always a parent and sometimes they still have to send messages. The adage "this will hurt me more than you" should always apply.If something should happen with the gun son her life would be over. Sometimes you can't just look the other way and hope things work out.


So this person took their gun out and pointed it at you? You must have called the police right?

In all seriousness, at least it would have deterred a robber from coming into the restaurant. But if it was a hardened criminal they would have just shot the person with the gun first.

Lancer Level 7 May 24, 2018

Which proves carrying a gun is false crime prevention. Thanks for posting.

I don't trust people, I particularly do not trust men.why would I automatically assume that this man is an honest caring decent human being. What would have prevented him from standing up and randomly shooting everybody in the restaurant? Or maybe he was a decent guy. Either way I want to know how I could look at someone and determine what their intentions are in all situations with % accuracy. I guess the best way to explain it is I look at armed people with the same disgust and contempt and fear as gun enthusiasts look at unarmed people.

Guy's sitting in a booth nobody coming into the restaurant isn't going to see it.

No, you're assuming that criminals are smart and constantly doing risk assessments, are always observant, etc. These are very bad assumptions.

I was merely illustrating what may occur, not what will occur. These events are random and there is no pattern.

@dare2dream, @Kojaksmom
Basically you can't trust that man. But then again he is prepared to defend himself, you are not. I'd say he's the slightly more responsible one however I would have preferred if he was a concealed carry person.

Also pro gun people don't look at others with disgust. Pro gun people just don't want to be left defenseless, they don't care what you guys do. They don't judge you because wanting to live and ensuring you're able to defend yourself are what divides anti-gun and pro-gun people.

@dare2dream, @Kojaksmom, @MikeFlora
You'd be surprised how unobservant some people are. Especially the stupid criminals.

Why is this so hard to understand? It's not about the jerk with a gun but how people around him feel. Guns kill and, of course that makes people nervous.

@Lancer : What kind of a world are you living in where you feel safe only when carrying a murder machine. That sounds very paranoid to me.


good move.


No, but it could happen at any moment for no reason in ameriKKKa.


They know exactly why they open carry. It has nothing to do with protection. It's all about projection. Nobody needs to carry a gun in public.

Michaeld2e Level 5 May 24, 2018

True, nobody teaches their children to respect ,obey and Trust strangers. Open carry people don't even realize how dangerous and nefarious they look to others. After all what does a" good guy with a gun" look like?

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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