7 3

Retired Military! So I'm sorta divided on gun control issues. I believe that armed civilians are the only thing that keeps government even halfway honest! That being said, to allow the purchase and ownership of assault weapons has to be more regulated, in order to keep them out of the mentally ill peoples possession! Now the real question is how do we decide who the mentally are?????

Theskeptic 7 May 26
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I never served in the military, but my dad taught marksmanship in the Army, so I was introduced to firearms early (and properly). I don't understand the logic of owning small arms to defend oneself against the federal government, much less start a revolution against it.

You may be able to hold them off for a few more hours or days, but you should know better than I that it would be a futile effort against the armor, helicopters, and drones that could be unleashed to take you out. I suppose you could go out in a blaze of glory, but I don't think our laws (or lack of them) should be tailored to help you do that.

OldWiseAss Level 7 June 2, 2018

I am also retired (disabled) Viet Nam era veteran and anyone who thinks a bunch of loose cannons are giving our military any cause for caution has a real problem. Talk about mental illness; all the veterans that have A PTSD should not be allowed to own a gun! Serve your country, get a disability and lose your right to own a weapon. Sounds reasonable to me.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 26, 2018

Retired military here. On my lifetime never, I repeat I never saw the government afraid of a poorly ruled militia or an ignorant armed civilian population. My honest take.


a good start is with the ACA. Prior to the ACA Mental Health Services were simply unavailable for the highest risk segments of our population. Family abuse /spouse abuse is another red flag.

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 26, 2018

@Theskeptic that is the truth. Here in North Carolina Dorothea Dix was the largest Mental Health Center that we had, when it closed people were literally sent to the streets. What and shame for those poor people ! It's a horrible decision to take the mentally ill and throw them on the streets and call them a police problem. Perhaps drug and alcohol treatment centers could also be a red flag. The numbers of mental issues among drug users, alcoholics and even smokers is very high.


Gotta do something.


Being retired military, do you actually think that an armed civilian rabble would have a chance against the U.S. Military?

GuyKeith Level 8 May 26, 2018

@Theskeptic I am not your son.

@Theskeptic If the dumpster fire decides to close our borders, withdraw from the world stage and simultaneously increase our military budget, that means a larger military on American soil. If he erodes the press, the military will side with the fascists because they won't know better. Also, what is your M16 going to do against drones and Apaches? All legal civilian weapons are moot.


Armed civilians are nothing for s trained military that has been convinced that the only truth is what the "president" says. The only thing that keeps the government halfway balanced is a free and trusted press, which is why tyrants attack the press first.

DJVJ311 Level 7 May 26, 2018
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