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Eomakhaira molossus: A new species of small saber-toothed Sparassodont Marsupial from the Early Oligocene of Chile.
The Sparassodonta, an extinct group of Metatherians (Marsupials and their extinct relatives), were the dominant group of carnivorous mammals in South America from the early Paleocene (Tiupampan South American Land Mammal Age) to the late early Pliocene (Chapadmalalan South American Land Mammal Age), sharing the ecological role of large terrestrial predator with Phorusrhacid Birds and Sebecid Crocodyliforms during the continent’s long Cenozoic isolation. Sparassodonts occupied many of the niches filled by Placental Carnivorans and 'Creodonts' on other continents and often strongly converged with these groups in morphology. Perhaps the best-known example of this phenomenon is the Thylacosmilinae (Thylacosmilidae of most previous authors), a group of Sparassodonts whose striking morphological resemblance to Placental sabertooths literally makes them a textbook example of convergent evolution.

JoeB 6 Nov 30
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Posted by JoeBKite-like structures in the western Sahara Desert.

Posted by TriphidAn Aussie Indigenous Message Stick.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by TriphidIndigenous Australian Aboriginal Rock art dated somewhere between 20 and 30 thousand years old.

Posted by JoeBDortoka vremiri: A new species of Dortokid Turtle from the Late Cretaceous of the Hațeg Basin, Romania.

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Posted by JoeBMusivavis amabilis: A new species of Enantiornithine Bird from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota of northeastern China.

Posted by JoeBTorosaurus in Canada.

Posted by JoeBStone tools from the Borselan Rock Shelter, in the Binalud Mountains of northeastern Iran.

Posted by JoeBDating the Lantian Biota.

Posted by JoeBBashanosaurus primitivus: A new species of Stegosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Chongqing Municipality, China.

Posted by JoeBDetermining the time of year when the Chicxulub Impactor fell.

Posted by JoeBSão Tomé and Príncipe: Possibly the last country on Earth never to have been visited by a working archaeologist.

Posted by JoeBMambawakale ruhuhu: A new species of Pseudosuchian Archosaur from the Middle Triassic Manda Beds of Tanzania.

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