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Why is it always someone else gripping a out something they have control over.??

Why is it people moan and hroan anout problems they can do something about. Like they can volunteer or help out in the community. But they hripe about the problem like it is ip to someone else.

llinenboy67 3 Mar 24
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Are you describing yourself ? This group is for ACTION not griping


The ones that aren’t like that are already out there, perhaps time to stop hanging with the wrong crowd?
Then again beiing in the Community without the right guidance could be quite a bad choice right now. Facebook has groups in the community to stay in touch with and help where needed and our, uk, government have put a call out I believe for specific skill sets.


Most people need a leader, they would help if you give them a specific task! They need a push!

Comment text removed by group moderator LetzGetReal.

@Larry68Feminist I guess so...I am flying blind here though!

Was I too strident ? Did I promote to the dismay of Berniebots? I forgot what post that you removed of mine....I received no direct message and notifications are in the hundreds that I have not scrolled through to read all of each

@Larry68Feminist It was not me, I was just as confused as yourself! I have no trouble taking care of myself (if I am really injured I talk it out with a trusted person and move on), I can’t remember your statement. But, maybe you went over some line that the moderator has. I would discuss it further if I knew what it was about. Just keep in mind that I am not here to play games, that is not me!

@LetzGetReal so they whined at me ....the poster has many typo mispellings.....with lock downs reducing polluter travel and shut down factory smokestacks AIR IS MEASUREDLY CLEANER IN DAYS DURING MARCH and April measures include less asthma attacks....PROOF INDIVIDUALS ACTING or not polluting : all add up to safer living

@LetzGetReal thanks ....people are breathing easier drinking safer water eating more organics less drive through junk food .....all because life is bettee slowed down locally supplied

@Larry68Feminist I have seen that report, elsewhere! I can’t see where we need to deny this fact. People must do something besides discuss, observe, analyze and just ‘think.’ A plan needs to be put in place and action applied to it and not just more rhetoric spent examining the plan. We have become a nation of tv analysts...watching people discuss an issue until words run out and then they go to bed. Words cannot take the place of actions. Maybe, we will live a decent life, for now...but the future is looking dim! It takes a government to tackle a job this big...people need to be forced to see a ‘bigger picture,’ not laws that lock people up, but forced to see, that humanity itself depends on a ‘living environment!’

@Larry68Feminist That is not quite true. We can mostly only grow root crops here! I tried to grow a small garden spot and the wind 30-40 mph kills everything! I put the space in a very low protected area and still it can’t hold up to 20% humidity and I am watering everyday! Blanket statements want work anywhere! I do have wonderful water here!

@Freedompath it is very easy and fast to build geodesic domes into huge solar greenhouses big enough for trees not just traditional gardens/farms .....wind power generators can be fitted atop exhaust pipes to make electricity without wind just rising heat ....more power when wind blows .....parking lots can be below acres of solar panels for lighting and heat in coldest weather saving on snow removal and water erosion control protects cars from hot summer sun .....cities can be self sustaining so can rural towns

@Freedompath WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US has been fighting for such plans for decades and corrupt demoRATS plagiarized our Green New Deal of 2009 last year

@Freedompath thank you for putting EcoSocialism into your own words....up to 250 dollars is doubled by Presidential Matching Funds in all 50 states ....Dr Jill Stein raised over one million 4 yrs ago and there is no limit on Howie this year

@Larry68Feminist I wonder if it is due to corruption or short sightedness, and laziness toward studying hard enough to find workable answers to implement!

@Freedompath one word lazy fits ....thousands of lobbyists make them lazy taking giant donations from takes hard work to get 250 dollar Presidential Matching Funds and staying under the 5000 dollar personal limit ....Obama was the 1st blue to exceed those limits 2012 after the DNC taking dark money to traget dozens of special groups OBVIOUSLY that worked and STANDING ROCK WATER PROTECTORS WERE increasingly betrayed by ObushaObombney just like Palestinians talk peace while taking AIPAC millions and fracking DOES NOT EXIST IN NY because Howie anf Greens still protect FINGERLAKES statewide

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