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my take:

  • how are they going to ensure that when a new combustion engine vehicle is sold that the only fuels it will ever burn will be zero carbon? Is there a chemical formula and a foolproof combustion control mechanism of some sort? Or will they ban non-renewably-derived hydrocarbons being sold?
  • I think zero carbon synthetic fuels are possibly going to be more manufacturable than some analysts presently realize. The reason I think this is that such molecules will (I suspect) likely be synthesized anyway as part of ghg cleanup efforts. So, then do you store them underground, use them as building materials or burn them and put them back into the cycle? It can be argued that burning them in some cases would allow for a slower transition to BEV, such that the in-place already existing combustion engine vehicles could stay in place for some years and decades longer as long as they are not contributing any further to the AGCC problem. If those vehicles did stay in place then it is not ideal (they are still putting forth other emissions and are extremely inefficient in their way) but arguably is lower carbon than cycling through 2-3-4 generations of PHEVs and low range undesirable BEVS. I won't try to argue this too much, but I'm just saying, the argument can be made.

2035 combustion ban moves forward after Germany and EU reach agreement on e-fuels
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Scooter Doll | Mar 25 2023 - 9:32 am PT

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