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Planet before profit is nice and all..............

But shouldn't we be selling matters beneficial to environment as profitable and emphasize the profit that environmentally friendly solutions can bring forth?

So example, why don't we stop calling everything that gets thrown into the ocean "trash" and start referring to it as "An idiotic waste of resources and potential profit" due to the recyclable plastics, papers, metals, and glass?

Another topic all together......... the methane being released from ice....... I have a question in this for any sciencey types to answer. Would it be more environmentally friendly if we captured that methane and sold it as fuel?


Secular_Squirrel 7 Oct 2
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My late partner was an elementary school teacher. She went around and relabeled the trash cans as land fills. She would take the kids into the bathroom and give them lessons on using water and only 1 paper towel to dry their hands. Go into a bathroom and watch as people pull towel after towel. To protect the environment people need to be educated.
The methane issue is an idea but impractical because the area that the gas is being released is immense. Hard to capture the gas from such a large area.
Finally, my take (and one that this site wanted discussed) is population. As per previous posts/comments: No matter what the cause it will be a lost cause if we don't come grips with overpopulation. Perhaps it might be interesting to study population demographics.

@LetzGetReal I have one child (an oops baby) and opted not to have any more. A former partner had alcoholism in her family and chose not to reproduce and take a chance of pushing what she had on another. My late partner had 3 kids. She had few choices (she had had 2 abortions and after she died I came to realize it was because her then husband raped her. She then had herself sterilized). After coming to the NW she got on the environmental bandwagon big time and made changes in her life and used her position to teach others. She was often very controversial and got people to think. A lot of my beliefs became even stronger after being with her.
A very active, important and early organization Zero Population Growth crashed because some industries didn't like some things the org. touted and gave $100 million to get ZPG and the Sierra Club to water down their rhetoric. We are now paying the price of that interference. Population awareness was a part of the site and it is still the core issue.

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