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"Disruption has come for toilet paper.

Who wouldn't want TP to be as soft as unicorn kisses and as strong as 1000 ponies? ............................................................................................................................................
The push for new toilet paper became more intense with the release of a semi-viral report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in February 2019. That report, titled “The Issue With Tissue,” looked at several of the biggest-selling toilet paper brands, issuing them a sustainability scorecard. The NRDC’s report was designed to make people aware that toilet paper does in fact come from somewhere: usually, mature trees, cut down from Canadian forests. Some brands did okay, but major brands like Charmin, Quilted Northern, and Kirkland Signature all scored an F."

AnonySchmoose 8 July 28
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I’d be interested in reading a similar report for the UK. I may have some googling to do now 😉


I wish we could implement bidets and grey water systems in the US on a wide scale. Just a few tweaks can make such a big difference.

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