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Yes, could someone please explain this to me?

Heidi68 8 Aug 20
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Yes, they’ve just started fracking in the UK. There are issues beginning and I feel so frustrated and impotent about it! It’s an awful situation 🙁 I’m sure that there is at least one bottled water supplier rubbing it’s hands with glee though.

@LetzGetReal mmm I think because of the experience that the US has already they have become a bit stronger at standing against this, (I saw the Gaslands movie when it first came out). The City of New York sent a letter in the interest of the local community in Lancashire where the problem is, I believe, against fracking. They have certainly been trying to fight the company doing it.

I'm not local to the area really; but think it sets a dangerous precedent for the Country as a whole.

@LetzGetReal sure, although I’m not part of the local action group I have had some input into the cause indirectly and am more than an interested party. This is not always something I disclose on public domains however 😉


That statement makes sense to me! Water is not a luxury...all life dies without water!

The part in question is why any attack on water is not considered corporate terrorism

@Heidi68 I think my mind is not able to dig deep today...too many words trying to make a point! The common people need to exert their power in any social order...and stop the rape of our water to control us! We may be waiting for ‘others,’ to do the ‘heavy lifting,’ water=survival...for every living thing! That is basic reality! Governments, Corporations or individuals...leave the water alone!

@Freedompath I agree.

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