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Its been raining all winter here in Michigan and Im finding it hard to avoid politics by talking about the weather.. Its imposible to speak of without climate change being the elephant in the room.

Even in this climate denying hotbed people talk sheepishly when talking about the weather now, like they are starting to admit they were wrong. I noticed it alot this summer as well when there were so many stories from farmers messed up by to much, to little rain at the wrong time exc..

MsAl 8 Dec 30
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Too much of anything does not bode well for me! But I admit that coming to the desert was a decision that serves me well! I like rain that comes and goes! Lol. Back in Ga it was frequently rainy and or cloudy, so I rarely saw the sky! My depression was in full swing most all winters! Now it is only during this holiday season!
But, the climate disaster that is ‘waiting in the wings’ distressing! I am trying to act in a way that does not create more problems for us. But, this impending disaster needs the attention from governments, as we need more ‘big’ efforts for this challenge! We must keep speaking up and being aware of our own actions, that in tiny ways add to the problem.

@Freedompath Some problems can be curtailed by taxation. I remember cigarettes selling for 65 cents a pack. Now they are over $5 in some places. Taxation drove the price up to slow the use.

Plastic bottles are a scourge. A $5 tax per plastic bottle is a place to start. No reason soft drinks can't be cans or glass bottles other than plastic is cheaper.

The Democrats have it close. Taxation. They are just looking in the wrong direction to stop pollution. Taxing multimillionaires (well except themselves and their financial supporters) will not slow pollution.

Sure, say it will hurt the poor. But it will only hurt the stupid who do not care and continue consuming polluting products.

@moosepucky recycling for reuse would help. But the logistics would take some engineering! Most recycled items are broken down, then reused!

@Freedompath here, unfortunately, most recycled items are taken directly to the landfill. The city has stopped taking many items as they no longer have a buyer for them. The cost to recycle (pay someone to take partially sorted goods) is higher than the charge to bury them.

@moosepucky That turned out to be true other places, too.


The world dealt with freon, I see no reason that the current problem can't be dealt with once the exact cause is isolated.

Stopping certain gas emissions is possible, dealing with a complete secession of industrial production is not possible.

moosepucky Level 7 Dec 30, 2019

I’ve isolated it and chosen not to reproduce as a result! 😉

@girlwithsmiles Don't tell anyone but I made that same decision when I was 25.


Oh my goodness, I remember being in Slovenia in 2006 and talking to a local who said they could definitely see a difference in the climate and believed that we could impact it.
It’s good that people are catching up, but honestly!

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