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Who do you contribute to for the Environment; what groups if any...? If you can or you do, it is IMPORTANT to do one's homework. IE: "The Wilderness Society" has a credit card offer with Bank of America. Can you say CONFLICT OF INTEREST? Pardon the double entendre' What groups are "tax free" vs "deductible" is often another good barometer in our current upside down, society!

One of the GROUPS I like and trust is Earthjustice. I get their quarterly magazine which reports on where one's money goes when battling things out in the courts. (There are times I would prefer a baseball bat-- BUT... not ~ ing- here).

One of the project I have recently combed was 'STOP URANIUM MINING SAVE THE GRAND CANYON'. Often it is hard to wrap one's mind around some of these headline, YIKES!

In a victory for ALL human beings the ban was upheld last December preserving the integrity of the land against monetary interests and keeping toxic mine-waste pollution out of our streams and aquifers which feed the Colorado River!

In upholding the ban, the court recognized what the Havasupai Tribe, (whom were the Earth Justice Clients in this lawsuit), have always knows: that "This place, these waters and our people deserve, protection"...


LetzGetReal 8 May 28
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I supported Greenpeace in the 70s, was probably one of their youngest, later Greenpeace Australia, but had a falling out with them in 1991 due to their continued involvement with big banks. (Why put your money where it will be used against you?). I am a fan of Sea Shepherd but I do most of my supporting directly, I operate 2 Landcare groups and volunteer in a number of others.

Rugglesby Level 8 June 2, 2018

I have the Nature Conservancy in my will. Some local groups include the Friends of the San Juans [], the BLN/San Juan Islands National Monument. In the past my contributions included, ZPG, Union of Concerned Scientists, America's Farmland trust to name only a few. Some organizations don't seem like environmental but they are. This includes EngenderHealth [], Planned Parenthood, FFRF, the Humanists. Anything that can help stabilize the human population is the ultimate environmental organization.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 28, 2018

I mostly support animal and wildlife rescue groups such as Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue and Hospital, Salthaven West, some bat groups, etc.

pixiedust Level 8 May 28, 2018

I'm a fan of Earth First! and Deep Green Resistance.

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