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In your home lab, always keep some signs like this around. The friends and family already worry a bit, might as well play on that fear for everybodys fun! 🙂

Observer-Effect 7 Nov 25
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Get the hint?

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 1, 2019

I need to get that as a t-shirt gift for my friend - she's a martial arts expert, lol.

MakeItGood Level 7 Nov 29, 2019

Oh that's a great idea! Change just one word, the "this" to an "I". Not only will I kill you . . . 🙂


You might like this one then...

MattHardy Level 7 Nov 28, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Nov 26, 2019

Heck - I want that for over my doorbell! 😂

RavenCT Level 9 Nov 26, 2019

LOL, About 4 years ago I made a double set of doorbells with a sign that simply said. " Press either A or B, it won't make any difference since neither of them work anyway."
I know it sounds somewhat cruel, but I sat here at my desk one day working on an essay when my 'not so bright, Evangelist neighbor walked up to the door, looked at the doorbells and notice and then proceeded to spend the next 30+ minutes pressing each one alternatively before wandering off again scratching his head.
Boy, oh boy was it hard to stifle the laugh I was having.

@Triphid Mine works but I have one determined door pounder who can't use a doorbell to save his life... It would be fun seeing if a sign like that got him to use it?!

@RavenCT Oh, trust me it was absolutely hilarious to say the least, in fact there are still times when I just sit back and laugh when I remember it all as it happened.
You should have the reactions/responses to my very life-like pair of Boobs, complete with life-like nipples that I'd made as doorbells.
Now they were a 'work of art' so to speak, press the left nipple and a recorded voice went "Oooooh that's nice, a little hard and long next time please," and the right one would go " Beep, Beep, I coming, I'm coming."
Sadly though, some thieving mongrel decided to pinch them and I've never seen them since, but I hope ever visitor he/she got/gets reacts like mine used to.


Haha. I keep a sign like this on the wall to the lab where I work. Everyone coming through on tour always stops to take a photograph.

Anonamoose Level 5 Nov 26, 2019

Curiously killed the cat and some humans too 😋


It's an odds on bet that as soon as you put up a sign that says " Do Not Touch" someone will come along and do the 'touch' thing anyway.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 26, 2019

HOLY SHIT.. I got to get that sign.. 🤣

It was a gift, but I got curious and just Googled it up - I don't know where they got it but I found one on Amazon. Yeah, I still laugh at it all the time! []

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