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I have been out of for a few years for various reasons. UK activity seems fairly minimal and the same applies to elderly input. Am I right or am I looking in the wrong places?

CeliaVL 7 Oct 10
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Thank you all for your comments. I remember some of you from when I was here previously - more than 5 years ago. It was pretty active then, with lots of discussions, though I think a lot of it was political back then, too. I will try and say something interesting occasionally!

CeliaVL Level 7 Oct 11, 2024

If you are into obsessive American lunatic politics , you are he right place. The perceived hatred each has for the other party is amazing.
I think the UK and Aust members are just getting jaded with the constant political crap posted.
A lot of people have left,due in part from the shutdown and other connection issues, but discussions have also slowed to US and global politics at the expense of most other topics.(with the exception of music)

The content does seem to be a bit dominated by US politics, but I suppose they have a lot to worry about.


I will be 72 Nov. 4 and I am pretty active on-site.

Congrats. Another scorpio. I will be 71 on the 24h October

I shall look out for your input.


We lost a large number of active members when the site went down for a considerable period of months, then it had a few other breakdowns too. We never recovered the same number of members when it got up and running again.


Define ''elderly?" 🙂

pamagain Level 8 Oct 10, 2024

Me…but then I’m actually an active geriatric member! 😅

@Marionville I prefer ''experienced'' and ''wise."

@pamagain I prefer it too!

Good question.

A state of mind.

I wouldn't have called myself elderly when I was 75 but now I am 80 I have suddenly started to feel 'elderly'. I don't feel that I fit in any part of society any more, and I'm not sure that I care.

@CeliaVL Of COURSE you fit into part of society! The sages/the wise/the experienced....and there are lots of us here.


You haven't missed much Celia. Just the rout of the Tories, America's proxy war using genocide of Ukrainians & blame it on the Russians, Israeli Jews genocide & holocaust in Gaza now moving to Lebanon & Yemen, Israeli IDF spankings by Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen Houthis & Iran showing them all how honourable humane people obeying international law do it.
The other biggie that's happened the last few years of course has been the rise of the BRICS trading block & formation within it of nations support of each other against the predations of American hegemony & NATO.
I guess that over there you've had the accession of Charles to the throne & the creation of Queen Camilla.

What's changed in your sphere of activity?

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 10, 2024

I'm well-aware of what has been happening around me, to the extent that I no longer watch the news or read the papers as it makes me so angry and upset it is bad for my health. Still can't escape the horrors though. I absolutely agree with all your political stance. I am horrified and ashamed at what the UK and USA are allowing Israel to get away with. I don't understand why Israel appears to be pushing for total war in the Middle East though.

We now have a Labour Government, which I predicted would be a disappointment, and it is. I am now 80 and don't expect to go on living much longer, and I can't say I am sorry. I despair of humankiind.

@CeliaVL it's a very sad indictment on the whole of western society & a dreadful attitude to be entertaining in what should be the most celebratory years of life.
The only glimmer of hope that I now perceive is that a small but increasing number of humane people are now standing up to the US, British, German, Ukrainian, French & Israeli Jews lies & propaganda.
Thanks for following my posts.
I've just watched this interesting video put up by one of the Australian members:

@CeliaVL if you haven't already done so bave a read of my comments on "Why does Netanyahu not want ceasefire or peace at any price?"

@CeliaVL What i miss about agnostic is the wide range of discussions on an innumerable number of subjects, that one were a feature of the forum.
It is impossible NOT to be up to date with Global and US politics and wars. We get it on the news, social media and all other electronic media media.
@Frayed bear used to run a well loved cooking forum with thousands of members.Where are all these member/ contributors today?
Other forums , unless promoting doom and gloom, are near extinct I have the greatest respect @frostyJim with his gardening forum,which should by all accounts have a lot more activity,

@FrayedBear I watched it. Very clearly put.

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