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We are about to have a tsunami of "Fake News" comments from Americans. Has anyone else watched the BBC2 series about "The biggest Fibs in American History" by Lucy Worsely ?? She has a 'little-girl' face and hairdo but she has dug up some very deep and potentially damaging lies with a big wooden spoon. She does it for British History too and I wish I had her as my History teacher 60 years ago. there are many areas covered in the three programs but the one that sticks is from the last program. The removal of the Cuban missiles was only achieved by the simultaneous removal of missiles pointed at Russia in Turkey by the Americans. I can remember the CC but never realized that.
Can the leader of the Free world be allowed to massage the truth like this. Free courses of Critical thinking for every American Citizen would be a better spend than the tiresome Mexican Wall.

Mcflewster 8 Feb 1
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Come on,,,that is thinking completely too rational....a fun place to visit, but so few want a heavy dose.


Diplomacy is just an acceptable euphemism for mutually acceptable lies and bribes

I agree though it is intended to fix something and rarely equally satisfies both sides.


Yeah, it's a good series. Must watch the last program you are talking about on BBC iPlayer. Sounds very interesting.

Zealandia Level 8 Feb 1, 2019

I saw the programme too. I already knew some of the facts she uncovered, including the Cuban Missile ones. I must have read about it somewhere in the past. Fake News is obviously not a new phenomenon.


History is written by the winners. Churchill was stock piling weapons before ww2 which pushed hitler's hand . Russia claims it won ww2 and it had nothing to do with anyone else . There are also reports of Americans building or funding, can't quiet remember , German concentration camps everyones at it

Simon1 Level 7 Feb 1, 2019

Does that make it right?. More important is how we get rid of it. I would say(IMO) we will not without world government.

That is what we in Northern Ireland call “whataboutery”. In other words using wrongdoings to justify more has to stop somewhere or we will just keep using past misdeeeds as an excuse for future ones.

I wasn't trying to justify it it approve of it I was just pointing out that it's not just the Americans doing it

@Marionville You have given me a very useful and pleasant sounding word - whataboutery . Thanks.

@Simon1 It was the Bush family who built the railways to the concentration camps that carried so many to their deaths.

@Mcflewster Glad to oblige!


The ones who took the free courses, would be the ones who did not need them, and the ones who did need them would not go. Spend the money on cold fusion research and at least it may stop them setting fire to the planet.

Fernapple Level 9 Feb 1, 2019
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