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Sums it all up perfectly

webspider555 8 July 24
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Talking more sense than usual.

Red_Cat Level 7 July 25, 2019


Marionville Level 10 July 24, 2019

Birds of a feather

bobwjr Level 10 July 24, 2019

At least yours is not grabbing women by the .......

thinktwice Level 8 July 24, 2019

...that we know of!

No ...perhaps not, but he doesn’t even know how many children he’s fathered!

Indeed. And instead of telling that dumbass that married him "I don't think I can be a one-woman man, so you get to choose between open relationship and polyamory," he just kept telling her "I won't do it again, honest" until she had enough and left.

@Marionville Do you recall his father being interviewed and asked why Boris would be a good PM and Johnson Snr replying "Well he has very nice hair."

@LenHazell53 No...can’t say I saw that! Considering a large number of those in the Conservative party, his colleagues in Parliament and his family all say that his attention to detail is wanting and that he embellishes to the point of lying about seems unbelievable that they are all backing him now! I think they believe what he himself believes, that by sheer force of his will and charisma he will get the EU to renegotiate and do what he wants! It’s like a collective madness.

@LenHazell53 As I typed the above Stanley has just appeared on The One Show....he is praising him to the heavens! He has injected optimism into us....he says! The interviewer is asking the public how they answer is fucked!

@Marionville so very fucked, did you hear that banana republic presidential address he gave in Downing street, promising the world and a Utopia to come once we get out from under the heel of the European Jack boot.
I have never heard so much Jingoistic bull crap from a British politician since the blessed Margaret finally had the decency to kick the bucket.

@Marionville we have endured this feeling for two long miserable years...

@thinktwice I know..Trump’s every antic and tweet is headline news here too! Satirists are having a field day of’s an ill wind and all that...!

@Marionville at least they have had practice and now the reality is settling in on your, we are glued to watching the Mueller is horrible to learn that our president is indeed a corrupt piece of shit and a traitor...

@thinktwice He’s an opportunist and megalomaniac....and a piece of shirt and a traitor!


to paraphrase the late sir Terry Pratchett

" It is hard to convey socio-political ideology in a language evolved to scream defiance
at the monkeys in the next tree."

Big fan of him

GNU Terry Pratchett, man of many wise words.


Yep... this is what it comes to. Except, of course, their mindless noises are intended to communicate how much they like each other and like owning us.

Jalnor Level 6 July 24, 2019
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Posted by MattHardyA Boris promise is just a lie that hasn't happened yet. Whatever Sue Grey says, no way is Boris going to admit he lied and resign.

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Posted by webspider555All set to go well with the vaccination roll out

Posted by webspider555Vaccine already in production

Posted by webspider555If Boris is mentioned then I cannot rule out it being true

Posted by HawkeyeNew to this group, thanks for having me :) Thought I would share something that has had my poor wee atheist brain turning for a few days (the article is a few days old).

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Posted by webspider555I’m beginning to wonder whether our government is just incompetent or are all these things happening just to get us in a rage arguing amongst ourselves.

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