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I describe myself as an atheist. But I might be more of an agnostic. I don't think there is a god(s), but I don't know. I choose the label atheist. What labels do you choose? Not that labels make much of a difference.

SKH78 8 Aug 27
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I'm technically agnostic, though I really don't believe in any higher power other than perhaps unseen, embattled extensions of our own conscious and subconscious intent and thought. Along with that, I don't believe that consciousness survives the death of the body, at least not intact. If I should die and meet a creator, I'll be astonished (and when I get over my astonishment, I'll have some hard questions for sh/im,) so I say I'm atheist if I'm with people who get it.

So yeah, it depends on the company. I'm in the Bible Belt, so I sometimes say I'm UU -- which is true enough. My paid membership has lapsed, but I still hang out with a few of the pagans I met at our local lay-led "earth-centered" church, which fits with my other tag: naturalistic pantheist. I don't go there unless I'm in the mood to have a conversation about it. I used to be full-on pantheist, back before I knew it had a name.

There are other influences, mostly Tao and Buddhist, but that doesn't usually come out unless I'm having a really interesting conversation. Or more than three drinks. 😀

Wind Level 2 Aug 29, 2018

LOL in “true” UU fashion, I don’t have just one path. The main ones are Buddhism, witchcraft, Pagan, mostly Agnostic, and sometimes Humanist and Flying Spaghetti Monster.

CS60 Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

I too, am a Pastafarian. I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage. Every month with five Sundays, on 5th Sunday, I meet other Pastafarians in my city for a pasta dinner. We pay homage to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Long time UU. Belong to our UU Humanist group, so humanist. Don 't believe there is a god, so atheist. And will throw in pagan, as celebrate the rhythms of the earth, our home. Solticies, planting, harvesting.. Need a big bonfire for winter solstice to help bring back the Sun, and just love camp fires..


I considered myself an atheist until I learned about humanism and began doing Reiki, which is energy healing. On one hand, the rationalism of humanism appeals to me. On the other hand, my experiences doing energy work made me feel that we aren’t just muscle and tissue—there is energy that is unique to each person and which has nothing to do with God/gods. There isn’t a name for what I am but humanist comes closest.

UUNJ Level 8 Aug 27, 2018

I think "member of a UU congregation" is an entirely acceptable label.

Route66Kid Level 5 Aug 27, 2018


empirical Level 6 Aug 27, 2018
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Posted by Eagle61UPDATE: I'm moving to Campus Towers Apartments on the West Side of Jacksonville, FLA in November.🚚

Posted by UUNJHere’s a photo of me holding a chalice during the worship service I delivered via Zoom to the UUs of Fallston , Maryland.

Posted by UUNJMost UU congregations are closing for a few weeks, and many of them are going online for services and meetings.

Posted by UUNJVisiting Memphis for a workshop on the OWL Sexuality Education for Older Adults curriculum I wrote.

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Posted by UUNJAttended worship today in Salt Lake City.

Posted by UUNJAttended worship today in Salt Lake City.

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