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I will be going to the Unitarian Society I belong to for Solstice Celebration. I have been to several Solstice Celebrations there. Good food, good music, a short play and folk dancing. Enjoyable.

SKH78 8 Dec 21
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Enjoy being online again!

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Our is tonight and we are doing Stonehenge. Hopefully we won’t set-off the fire alarm again

CS60 Level 7 Dec 22, 2018

I prefer to include the UNIVERSALIST co-title since 1962 of the most liberal denomination THAT HAS NO HELL making the only heaven real here upon earth....MERRY SOLSTICE starchildren even upon the International Space Station



I saw a post of yours on but since I am not a member I couldn't read the whole thing. But it sounded intrguing. I am a cat lover, have had many cats at the same time and have physical challenges. Would like to know more about you

SharonWest Level 4 Dec 21, 2018

Hi Sharon, I sent you info about Facebook profile and also my email address. I am indeed a Crazy Cat Lady and I am eccentric. I think differently than most people. Feel free to contact me anytime - I like chatting with other Eccentrics. Have a good day.


I just attended my first UU Solstice event. It was all women. 25 to 30 of us. I am not a spiritual person at all so I don't know if the ritual part of it is a good fit for me, but I enjoyed being with women from my church. I will see how things go.

SharonWest Level 4 Dec 21, 2018

U.U. Feminism varies by congregation, society, fellowship and church. ...furthermore there are about 2 dozen Ethical Culture LEADERS who are also UU Reverends. ....I know 4 in Norman Oklahoma who are official PAGANS so some are magical thinkers others remain true to our value avoiding "idolatries of the spirit"....women & men, boys & girls can be Atheists AND believe THE UNIVERSAL WORTH and DIGNITY OF EVERY PERSON

I belong to a Unitarian Society. It is a good fit for me. Most people are atheist. A small percentage believe in god(s), but nobody talks about god(s). They talk about the here and now. Lots of emphasis on education, good music, book discussion groups, interesting speakers, solstice celebrations and the like. It provides the benefits of a church w/o requiring people to act like they believe in god(s).

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Posted by UUNJZoom worship behind. the scenes.

Posted by UUNJZoom worship behind. the scenes.

Posted by Eagle61UPDATE: I'm moving to Campus Towers Apartments on the West Side of Jacksonville, FLA in November.🚚

Posted by UUNJHere’s a photo of me holding a chalice during the worship service I delivered via Zoom to the UUs of Fallston , Maryland.

Posted by UUNJMost UU congregations are closing for a few weeks, and many of them are going online for services and meetings.

Posted by UUNJVisiting Memphis for a workshop on the OWL Sexuality Education for Older Adults curriculum I wrote.

Posted by UUNJSwitched congregations last Sunday, kicking things off by singing a song and giving a sermon on sexual pleasure and communication (the regular minister spoke on the same topic more briefly, same day.

Posted by Eagle61Ditching the Nestle-made bottled water for a while in exchange for regular old tap water; bottled water sometimes 'enlarges my prostrate' and sends me to the bathroom a couple of times overnight!🤔...

Posted by UUNJHad a first today: was singing a song at my Uu church when a visitor passed out and slumped onto her daughter.

Posted by Greg610The road to success is always under construction🚧

Posted by UUNJMy outfit for church tomorrow. I’m promoting the Movie-themed service auction. I made the costume from an $8 skirt and tops I had and sewed together. The wig is from Party City.

Posted by UUNJClimate Strike today in my UUA sidewithlove shirt

Posted by UUNJThe view from my hotel window while I’m in Spokane for UUA General Assembly.

Posted by UUNJIf you’re on Facebook, you may enjoy this lighthearted group.

Posted by UUNJAttended worship today in Salt Lake City.

Posted by UUNJAttended worship today in Salt Lake City.

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