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How important is a congregation’s name to you? Mine is considering a name change, and we don’t know whether to rename it to something relates to local geography—we are in a valley—or something related to our mission.

UUNJ 8 Jan 21
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We have community in our name, and I think it fits us pretty well. We try to be very welcoming. We also have our location at the end as there are several "Community churches".


With a name based on a "mission", or your mission statement, you'll surely attract newcomers. But your congregation should be aware of the convictions that name will add. In other words, if your name is "Grace UU", I'll expect to be welcomed graciously. It's a bit tricky. Like having some inspirational quote on the bumper sticker of your car. You'd better be conscious of that at all times,on the road. Or someone will just call you a phony. We've all seen the Jesus sticker on the car speeding through a red light.

Claudio43 Level 4 Jan 22, 2019

Excellent point. Under promise and over deliver


The Unitarian Universalist in York, PA calls itself a Society.


What is really in a name? I don't think a name on a marquee or carved sign is as attractive as a message under it identifying what it is, you know, something like "An All-Inclusive Cogregation" or stating core values like "Truth. Service. Justice." Every congregation eventually develops it's own character, even numbered ones. In the end it is whatever works and whatever a majority agrees upon, so pick a winner! 😉

Route66Kid Level 5 Jan 21, 2019

Why not something original like All Souls??? 😉

tonyp Level 5 Jan 21, 2019

You must be familiar with the other UU congregation in my town. 😉



Interesting question. What is the pressing reason to change the name? Is there confusion with a neighboring congregation? My original church was the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville. A splinter congregation formed out of a conflict, The Greater Nashville UU Congregation, but I don't think there was any confusion.

I'm interested to know why the move to change.

GinaKay Level 7 Jan 21, 2019

We met for 15 years at a college, and our name
referred to a fuzzy geographic location because we didn’t know where we’d land. UU Congregation of the Somerset Hills — the hills comprise about 5 towns. We now have a building in a small town and want a more intentional name.

@UUNJ If I were a member, I'd lean toward something geograpical. That seems to be the norm, and there's a lot to be said about providing what people expect, especially in a denomination with so many other things out of the norn.

There is a very large denomination in my new location named Neighborhood UU Church and the name throws me off every time I hear it. I would instantly know what we were talking about if it were called the Pasadena UU Church.

Good luck with the decision.


All (less than 10) of the congregations that I’m aware are named by locality. That doesn't make it right, but I can see how it makes sense since people will probably search by location.

CS60 Level 7 Jan 21, 2019
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