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I wasn't sure where to post this and the watering hole seems most logical.

I am as far from an Elon Musk fan-boy as one can get, in that I am not one to fall for "celebrity" worship whether it be in business, film, music, whatever. Having said that, certain executives deserve to be recognized for their accomplishments, for example: Jobs, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Brin and Page. (You don't have to like them or their companies)

WIth that out of the way, my view on Tesla has changed. Like many, I viewed them, wrongly, as a car company. As I've come to understand the breadth of Musk's vision, what he is doing is breathtaking. They are innovating and leading in low-cost manufacturing, auto design, auto safety, automotive software/infotainment, continuous model upgrades through software, battery design, etc. Their Power Pak large scale power storage system is little talked about but has the potential to replace hundreds, if not thousands of power plants. I could drone on but you get the idea. The stock is at nosebleed levels for a reason.

To illustrate how uninformed I was and how much I've changed my view, consider the soon-to-ship pickup truck. If you are like most (and like I was) it looks like a gimmicky way to push a little more volume. The video below outlines just how visionary it is. Note that if it captures 10% of the US pickup truck market, it could bankrupt both GM and Ford. They are loaded with debt, and lose money on cars. Trucks are their salvation. The incremental impact on lost profitability will be way more than the 10% sales drop because incremental units are so profitable.

Note the host of this video is a little fanboyish, but his analyses are spot on. He's also funny, claims he is "on the spectrum", and also claims he is often high on something. Works for him🙂

Mitch07102 8 Oct 6
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Thanks for sharing this. I've been slack about sharing any Tesla info....this nails the Cybertruck perfectly. Thanks, again @Mitch07102


Looks great, if companies like this can retain ethics they have a real chance to improve the future for everyone. The only downside is these techniques all lower job opps too, so traditional car manufacturing jobs need replacing with something more pertinent to our century. (As will a lot of production jobs as we start preventing waste of resources).

Companies don't retain ethics, at least not for very long, unless forced to by regulation. Capitalism is too efficient to allow it.

@Mitch07102 that’s a very sad idea, and probably a bit too true at the moment. I dream of a world where people en masse can progress past money and greed into planning for a positive healthy future together.


Impressive. That is the most thorough and detailed explanation of that truck l have seen.

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 6, 2020

His videos are excellent. Informative, funny. Sure beats puppies and funny cats.


Certainly an impressive product from an impressive guy.. []


they advertise that storage thing on facebook

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