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This may be a taboo subject for some (it should not be) - this Wednesday I am getting a colonoscopy, the 3rd one since I was 59. My doctor told me it would be wise because there is a history of colon cancer in my family (a sister, 2 cousins & an aunt & uncle...could be more I don't know about). My sister, who was only 55, lasted 6 months after detection because she waited too long to be tested. Even if you do not have a family history of ghe disease you should consider a colonoscopy if you are near 60. The procedure itself is really nothing, they had me sedated so I was out. The 2 day prep is not so great, but worth finding out if you are ok.

Ray13 8 Oct 30
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I had one, the worst part was chugging that fluid to clean you out! Yuck!

misstuffy Level 7 Nov 1, 2022

I had one. It's wasn't as bad as expected. There is something funny you could do. I would have if I had known about it beforehand. Take a little slip of paper that you write or print out and roll out up and stick it in your butt or crack near your butthole that reads, "We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty." I can't imagine that wouldn't be the funniest thing your doctor and nurses have ever experienced in a procedure.

@Ray13 Use Contact paper to "laminate" it and cut nice round edges. Rolled up in your crack you'll be just fine.


I've had several.

@Ray13 Longer than that here. My dr. ordered them as a precaution, but it's also how I got my IBS diagnosis, & then later on the collagenous colitis diagnosis.


Let me make you aware of a complication that I endured.

My brother had died in 2014 of a gall bladder eruption.

But that led to me being examined for gall bladder conditions,,,including a colonoscopy and endoscopy of my lower and upper G.I. tract.

That led to an alleged puncture of my esophagus.

Which in turn led (allegedly - never confirmed) to an internal growth. Two docs asked if I had had an endoscopic exam.

Which in turn led to me having to undergo surgury to get the growth removed.

Docs couldn't tell if it was cancerous or I had to deal with that.

It was hell for a few months, there.

The lesson?

Be conservative about who you get your Colonoscopy with.

Do your aware.

Robecology Level 9 Oct 30, 2022

@Ray13 Super smart of you to stay with the same Doctor!


Everyone over 50, with any histories, should definitely get them. I'm getting another one soon as well. I've had a few over the last 16 years. A few polyps. The only one that bothered me - got one, they saw something and wanted to go back, so a few days later another one - what they saw turned out to be appendix scar tissue.


I've had 4 or 5 polyps removed during my first 2 colonoscopies, 3rd one was polyp free. Nothing to it really, so yeah, if you're over 50 yrs old, get one done.

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