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A couple of days ago I posted a video of a Swedish documentary about a young Syrian refugee who loved the music of Norwegian band a-ha, and their album and song Hunting High and Low in particular, because of the memories it holds for her of happier times living in Damascus and listening to it with her parents and siblings. Morten Harket the lead singer from the band then makes a visit to meet up with her in Sweden which was quite charming to see how he interacted with her.

To follow up from that I’m going to post that same song Hunting High and Low performed live in one of the more unusual venues a-ha have ever performed...on a floating stage on a pontoon in Kiel Harbour, Germany in 2007. The occasion was the inauguration of a new daily ferry service between Kiel, and Oslo in Norway. Like the young Syrian refugee, and countless people all around the world, I too am a big fan of a-ha....but of course you already know that!

Marionville 10 Oct 14
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Well at least the pianist can play and I suppose the keyboard player.

Heavens...what a strange remark to make. Do you really believe I would be a fan of a band who couldn’t play their own instruments? They are all accomplished multi instrumental musicians. They also write all their own material, and are a genuinely talented band who sound as good live as on recordings. The pianist is considered to be one of the top pianist/keyboardists in the business and when he isn’t composing or performing music, he is producing pieces of art and sculpture in his studio...where he is highly recognised internationally. His name is Magne Furuholmen and his larger sculptures can be found in parks and recreation areas around the world, also on board Viking Lines cruise ships where his smaller sculptures and artwork can be viewed. They are all also solo musicians in their own right and perform and record individually as well as together, so are now called a Supergroup when they do perform as a-ha.

@Marionville Sorry but a guitarist who just strums does not impress me and a singer who occasionally is not spot on the note does not either. I found the song boring. I don't care how famous they might be.

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