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Well here she is again, the artist every one asked for (literally no one)
Sopor Aeternus and the ensemble of shadows - is it safe to sleep alone

Garf 7 Nov 25
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50 years ago Sopor was my Drug of Choice. Yep half a century ago. Then I grew up into an adult and Walked Away from Danger into the Man I am now at 67. "I can look back into the rear without Fear". Nice title for a song.... let me get cracking on that.

How did you know Sopor fifty years ago? She formed in 89.

@Garf I was Big Pharma in High School, the Pharmacist in College while my major went from Physical Education to Art History . Sopor was a Product from American Stone Labs, made in Puerto Rico, Methaqualone was Main Ingredient. came in 75, 150, 300 milligrams pills. Came before Qualude, came before Parrest. I gave "Parrest" the street nickname of Submarines for being capsule in two tones of blue. The good thing about Qualude was the softness of the pill made it give a quick high from consumption but the Soporific Sopor took the Crown... YES, I was one of the first, very first to know the effect of the pill in the street. A bottle of 100 used to cost me $8.00, I sold them for .50 cents that is so way back, I got many, many stories. There is even a "Creem" Magazine story of Gringos discovering "Sopor" during the Mar y Sol Jazz and Blues Festival in Puerto Rico circa 1972. The magazine was sold on the high and misinformed audience that did not caused habit. I disagreed, next edition they retracted and acknowledge was habit forming. Puerto Rico may be small but we were ahead of times in some Drug Uses. When you are a Colony you become a testing ground. I grew up out of the phase to held a Security Clearance and keep it for 20 years while in the Navy without looking back to my early youth days. Now you understand what "Sopor" I was talking about. I am not going to arm wrestler her or them for the name of Sopor. She carried it well and I left it behind no longer being me.

@Garf There is a scene in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" very real and true to the effect of the ingredient Methaqualone when you over-medicate. I approved the scene. But the original version of the movie included the qualude pill with the wrong number in the pill.... Qualude made by Rorer Labs had in the pill "Rorer 714". In the original version of the movie had a different number. Possible a number used later but not at the time the movie was supposed to take effect. Was corrected in later versions I noticed. Pardon me but I am coming back to the present. Interesting Artist, Video and Music. Thanks for your Contribution.

@Garf Sopor in the Creem frontpage circa 1972.

@GipsyOfNewSpain oh, now I get you, you actually meant the drug not the artist.
I'm not familiar with drugs, don't use them

@Garf More Power to You... Congrats!!!! You are missing nothing. Navy Career ended my use of recreational drugs. Never suffered an addiction or been under the control of a woman. Spent one time 5 years without touching alcohol, currently in year 2 off alcohol. I am not even pro legalizing weed now. No Hate, simply I am a better person without the Influence. Is a Victory how I see it.


Too spooky for me. Is this about a pre 1950 mental asylum?

It's about her and her life, she sings a lot about her hardships while growing up.

@Garf Some people have horrible backgrounds.

@rogerbenham my oath they do and somehow some of them rise above the pain


Wow, that's really special in a triggering, downer sort of way.

Theresa_N Level 8 Nov 25, 2020

Thanks. That was new and fresh. I enjoyed the exploration of insecurity through music and drama.

brentan Level 8 Nov 25, 2020

Glad you enjoyed her. She does some great stuff in my opinion.


Not for me....sorry!

Goddammit, I'll find one of her songs you will like yet....hahaha

@Garf Go ahead❗️

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