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I built the Writer's Cottage at David Bowie's place in Mustique, it blows me away that the low season rate to rent it is $40k/wk but this scene from Club Paradise captures the nature of that tiny little, celebrity island for the super rich that I called home for a year.

SnowyOwl 8 Sep 26
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You built it…are you an architect or a builder? It looks wonderful…but a bit too rich for me sadly!

I'm a Master Builder retired as my grandfather was before me. I hire architects and engineers but they don't hire me. People often get that backwards because they assume the professionals lead the way, from experience I can tell you that it is not the case.
Architects dream lovely dreams and Engineers are good at crunching numbers but it is the Master Builders who get things built, co-ordinate the tradesmen and the bankers and the lawyers in order to get the drawings turned into actual buildings.

@SnowyOwl How interesting…thanks for answering so comprehensively.

@Marionville I do what I can, I have dealt with a lot of very rich people who have absolutely no clue about anything but money. It's really quite surreal sometimes, they think that by writing the cheque the job is done, no clue about what is involved with making things turn into physical buildings from numbers on a balance sheet. I have a few architects that I am still very fond of because they were grounded but most of them were people that failed to get into law school or talented artists that had parents who insisted that they get a profession instead of following their heart.

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