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Gypsy [Roma] Music .... Asphalt Tango.

Reignmond 7 Mar 11
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Romas were also thought to be from India. Fascinating history. Actually Niger (nee jaire) is Latin for black. French colony in the past. Now even the slur is evolving. I am so confused that I might give up speaking altogether. .......Nah. The Polish call themselves "Pollacks", but it is a slur here in the USA.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 11, 2022

That is why I like my UK/Scotch heritage. Insults gain no purchase with us because we are not "sensitive". As my Grandmother told me, "Either the insult is true and it is something you need to work on, or it is false and can be disregarded."


What a lively culture those Romas. The word "gypsy" as in "I was 'gyped' by Trump" is no longer considered an appropriate adage. Language changes. So does music. Many words once considered preferred ae now morphed into slurs. I don't know what is acceptable anymore so I am careful in my choices. Mariachi music is influenced by the Romas as the Spanish carried it to Mexico and beyond.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 11, 2022

Like calling my Native American family "Indians" because of mistaken identity, the Roma got their mislabeled names because it was thought they were "Egyptians". And just like the racial term "Niger" (used to denote a person from Niger, Africa) was originally in no way a derogatory term, it became used as one due to their way of life that was at least partially forced onto them. The funny thing is, the Roma could have been legitimately called "Indians".

There is s story in the town I live on now about how in the 1920's a group of Gypsies came through, and they were forced to stay in a field on a hill just outside the town.


Very lively!


A little background on the Roma people.


Reignmond Level 7 Mar 11, 2022
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