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Argentina is famous for many things…one is the dance named after the country…The Argentine Tango. They have exported it far beyond their shores…here for instance are World Latin American dance champions who are both Italian - Flavia Cacace and Vincent Simone…demonstrating their skill on Irish TV.

Marionville 10 Oct 14
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Love watching dance.

Yes..I do too.


We tried it with little success. The man 100% leads (I'm not a demander) and the woman 100% follows. It did not come naturally to my wife.

My husband had two left feet…no possibility of ever dancing even a waltz!

@Marionville Mine too.


I want to know how she kept that dress on her shoulders? That was some wickedly good dancing!! 😍

Amazing dancing…you can see how they’re champions!


@Lilac-JadeCanada ouch! Really? They use tape?

@Redheadedgammy Yes, they do. My sister in law uses it. It's a two sided type of fabric tape to hold the costuming in place while moving.


The tango was a big part of the soundtrack of my childhood, as it was hugely popular worldwide for many in the WWII generation: folks like my parents.

The-Krzyz Level 8 Oct 14, 2022

I never danced it myself…but I like to see others dance it. My son and his wife visited South America on their honeymoon and took Tango lessons when they were in Buenos Aires.

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