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There’s a new biopic movie out “Bernstein” which is controversial due to actor Bradley Cooper wearing a prosthetic nose to portray Leonard Bernstein. Well as his family have confirmed that they are not offended, nor do they think it anti-Semitic to wear a larger nose to play their father who undoubtedly had a “schnozel” of rather epic proportions, I can’t see why or how anyone else can claim to suffer any offence. It all rather detracts from the fact that Bernstein was a giant figure both musically and in his private life. Speaking of giant musical figures when it comes to American composers one figure in particular springs to my mind and it is Aaron Copland…so let’s combine these two American musical titans with - Copland’s Appalachian Spring (Simple Gifts) and Leonard Bernstein conducting New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

Marionville 10 Dec 27
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Nothing surprises me anymore, after reading about a woman of colour who called the police on her next door neighbor for saying "Good Morning" to her uninvited, claiming sexual harassment, racism and invasion of personal space and privacy.
Fortunately the woman's own home security system recorded the event and exonerated the neighbor.



I just watched the movie on Netflix. It is so incredibly good. Cooper was fantastic, and the nose was done really well. I did not know that Bernstein was bi-sexual, so that was a surprise to me. I highly recommend the movie, because the music throughout is so good!!

I watched it too Rhonda…on Xmas day. Really thought it was well acted and that Bradley Cooper really looked like Bernstein.

@Marionville I was surprised at how much he did look like Bernstein in the movie. The makeup was done very well.


There are people who will complain or take offense at pretty much anything. Nobody complains about an actor wearing a wig, padded bras or makeup moles to look more like the people they are portraying. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm sure it will expose a lot of people to the remarkable talents and personality of the musical figures of the time.

Julie808 Level 8 Dec 27, 2023

Great Piece and Copeland is one of the great American composers. Two of my favorites are the 'Fanfare for the Common Man.' Who says only rock music has to be played loud!? I would test out my base speakers on this piece.

The second is a portrait of Lincoln. A lot of people have spoken for this piece bu my favorite I James Earl Jones (go to 7 minutes).
jackjr Level 7 Dec 27, 2023

James Earl Jones has a great sonorous speaking voice. Fanfare for the Common Man is really great of course and Copland’s best known piece of music. Have you heard this rock version by Emerson, Lake & Palmer?….

@Marionville Actually, now that you've included it, I have. Seems my memory is better suited for things in the past than the present.

@jackjr Not an unfamiliar phenomenon.


Nice & soft.

People are going too far with petty, picky, nonsense.


Very nice pastoral scene. I'll let others worry about nasal details.


My wife and I viewed the movie and it’s total nonsense about the prosthetic nose being offensive ,in fact it is a remarkable makeup job.

richiegtt Level 8 Dec 27, 2023

Yes…I thought so too. I watched it on Xmas Day and was struck at how much it made Bradley Cooper look like Bernstein, especially as he aged during the film…he seemed to get more and more like him.


Biopics are predominantly so fictionalized, what's one more nose ?


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