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The guitarist that many top guitarists, including Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Brian May, Alex Liveson …etc., rate as their #1 guitarist…it’s Irish legend Rory Gallagher. In 1970 Hendrix was asked by journalists at the Isle of Wight Festival how it felt to be the greatest guitarist in the world and he said…”Nah! I wouldn’t know, ask Rory Gallagher”. Rory and the band Taste had appeared earlier at the same festival and here they are performing Sugar Mama as part of their set…

Marionville 10 June 10
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Great guitarist! I read about him giving performances even during the "Troubles" he never abandoned Belfast during those terrible times. He truly was so gifted, and could make that guitar sing!!

Yes…he was definitely one of the guitar greats, and a very modest man …

@Marionville I'm especially proud that he was Irish too. 😘


Fine is one enjoys that sort of playing. In no way would I describe any of the rock guitarists as the best in the world. That is totally nuts. Get their thumbs under the frets rather than on one side and you see the far better players.

It’s just opinions Roger…and it was Hendrix’s opinion and also the opinion of many other top guitarists that Rory Gallagher was #1 “rock guitarist”. I think we’re aware that it’s best rock guitarist he was referring to, and he was not including classical or flamenco, or folk guitarists. I’m not saying I agree with him either, but certainly Rory Gallagher was a very talented rock guitarist!

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