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French chanteuse Francoise Hardy died a couple of days ago aged 80, very sad news. She was a very big star during the 1960’s and as well as being a popular and successful French singer/songwriter with many international hits, she was also an actress of French cinema. In addition to her native French she also recorded in English, German and Italian.
Françoise Hardy - Voila, 1967…

Marionville 10 June 13
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Ah the days when girls had slim long legs that weren't "deluxe legs - de lux like tree trunks."

FrayedBear Level 9 June 13, 2024

Have you seen how long and slim Taylor Swift’s legs are?

@Marionville no.


@FrayedBear So that’s a yes now then!

@Marionville exception to the norm more likely.

@Marionville having just awoken & refraining from leaping out into the frosty morn . . . I was out there 2 hours ago in dark to prevent Narla wetting the bed again, I have simply turned the electric blanket on & commenced responding to my current notifications. I'm delighted to have elicited a 😂 & not a 😐 from you!

@FrayedBear Richard..I’m happy that you’re delighted!


Yes, so sad.

We all die eventually, even you & I, Roger.

@FrayedBear Until it comes obviously I am looking forward to it. I do not fear it. In fact if we could experience it for a day, I'd really like that.
If Socrates' Underworld exists I think it could be fun.

@rogerbenham Weird thoughts Roger…lighten up and enjoy being alive, you’ll be a long time dead.

@Marionville haven't you given yourself permission to die yet Marge? Still want to pile more experience in? Very commendable. Some however would claim it to be greed, you've had your 3score & ten & are now, like Biden, Trump & Netanyahu using youngster's oxygen!

@Marionville That is an assumption, M. I do not believe that I will cease to be after death. In fact I am 99% sure i'll stay alive and I'll possibly go through many transitions of what you could call death. I do think anyone knowing me thinks I fear death.

@rogerbenham I’m not prepared to argue about something neither of us can do anything other than speculate on, but a belief in some type of afterlife after death is not a logical conclusion for me, as there is zero evidence to support it.

@Marionville Whilst I have had contact with those from the afterlife and for those to disbelieve me I suppose I must accept their personal beliefs.

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