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Boxing Day is celebrated throughout the English-speaking world…with the exception of the USA. It’s celebrated in all British Commonwealth countries and former colonies on 26th December, in the U.K. it’s a public holiday. Traditionally It was the day servants were given boxed gifts by their employers, hence the opening of the boxes gave the day its name. Nowadays it’s the day the “Sales” start where all the big stores open their doors to sell their leftover Christmas stock at greatly reduced prices. It’s also now a day filled with sporting fixtures, and especially football matches where they often have local derbies between two neighbouring teams.

Historically it was a day where fox hunts were organised …fox hunting with dogs was banned throughout the UK in the early 2000’s and is now illegal, however drag or trail hunting has replaced hunting foxes and still takes place today on Boxing Day. The “wassail” or drinking cup is associated with the hunt..where the cup, filled with ale or rum, was passed around the huntsmen to insulate them from the winter chill. Many songs are associated with wassailing and I’ve chosen this one - The Gloucester Wassail sung by The Longest Johns…

Marionville 10 Dec 26
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1 the jolly sailors singing but the captions don't exactly match the lyrics, do they? Not sure why, but somewhere, sometime, I learned this song...ONCE AGAIN...thanks, M!

pamagain Level 8 Dec 26, 2024

Jolly sailors? I don’t see any in the video…nor any captions!!
It’s a wassailling song which many choirs have been known to sing …including mine! I can’t say how or when you learned it …maybe in school, I think that’s where I first learned it.

@Marionville That's because you didn't see the captions. They've misspelled wassail. Never mind. They look like jolly fellows.

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