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Olvídate De Mi by Yasmin Levy & Buika

Rossy92 8 Jan 7
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Are you not able to supply any information on this pair?

Buika is a well known Black Spanish Flamenco singer who has been nominated for several Latin Grammys. Yasmin Levy I've looked up at your urging, to find she is of Israeli-Spanish ethnicity. I have recently become of the mindset, however, that it can often be a laborious and thankless task to look up biographical info, lyrics, translations, etc., when those viewers of a post who are interested can just as easily look up such information as I.

@Rossy92 I think we must at the very least know some basic details of the music we post prior to introducing it to the group. If you have listened to it and enjoyed it enough to post to it to us, I would consider it a courtesy for you to share those details with us. It is a curious idea to put the onus of finding out about the artists you post back onto us.

@Marionville The viewer of the post who likes it should not find it a burden to search for additional info. The viewer who does not like a post should not care enough for it to matter. I feel it's reasonable to expect the title and artist name, but anything additional is a bonus. I don't feel the extra effort is worth the investment when only 1 out of 6 consider it worthy of a like, not to mention posts which garner no likes or comments. It's a waste of precious time unless the poster has some particular special connection with the material.

@Rossy92 Whatever. You were never one to like my suggestions.

@Marionville I was going to make mention of those who don't even put the artist or title, but figured it didn't happen in this group, and I hadn't noticed it to have occured in the first half dozen or so posts on the first page. But lo and behold, a closer inspection shows that it happens here too. Btw the way, I hadn't realized that you've also taken over the reigns of this group until now.

@Rossy92 I inherited it...along with the other two music groups. I presume because I am the most active. This world music group was almost moribund prior to me joining it, but I have been trying to get other members to become more active by encouraging them to tell us a bit about the diverse music they post here. As this is a worldwide music group there is often music from other cultures and in other languages and it needs to be explained in order to pique the interest of other members of the group. I can only make suggestions that people do make a small effort by way of some form of introduction to those singers the rest of us are unlikely to know already. It is of course entirely up to the individual member to take the extra few minutes time to do do so.

@Marionville I'll consider it. I inherited a Metal group. Not sure what to do with it. I may just let die as there are already two others.

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