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Is not Malcolm Turnbull a walking lesson on what happens to a person who has no capacity to stand by his/her principles? Better to go down believing in what you believe in than lingering on to demise pretending to accept what you really don't. Republican, social progressive, economic progressive, and I think non religious, I think he is all of these, and would have led his party in strength to the centre-slightly-left of the Australian mindset, yet now he's a hollow man who stands for nothing because he didn't have they balls to confront the regressives. And I say that as someone who has never voted Liberal in my life and never would, so it's my political scientist hat I am wearing. There is nothing more hollow than a person who ultimately stands for nothing.

David1955 8 Aug 21
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The party is dominated by neo-liberals – confused, incompetent and corrupt fools – willing or unwilling slaves to fashion.
Would anyone else be able to do any better than Malcolm, when everyone, or the majority, is so committed to their ideological nonsense?

Beelzebant Level 5 Aug 21, 2018

yet i meet this phenomenon increasingly in australia. it's called cowardice. people don't have the guts anymore to stand up for their conviction, since it became so popular to be popular.

The Wee Bodgy was very good at it. ... rule by consensus and avoidance of tackling the problem until it becomescso big and nasty that everyone will accept any solution no matter how illogical, absurd or harmful.
Australia has a long history of sitting on its hands until others around the world have made there choice - Australia then invariably picks the worst used elsewhere or from the pile of solutions every other country has discarded.
The only one that they managed to get right was when the ear wax muncher gave every one a $1000 dollars to stimulate the economy in 2008. Unfortunately stupidity reigned and the crooks, particularly Queensland and WA white shoe brigaders stole billions unnoticed and were not prosecuted.


How long until the next leadership spill? I'm hearing as soon as 72 hours.

Ozman Level 7 Aug 21, 2018

Most only stand to line their pockets. Few have the intelligence to work for all.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 21, 2018


@David1955 You do not have a true democracy in Australia.

@FrayedBear “We” don’t have true democracy in Australia.
But true democracy only exists in Switzerland.
Whatever way decisions are made, or leaders chosen, competency and the ability to be dispassionate should be standard.
Politics is never, or rarely, either or both.

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