8 3


Issues I have met over the years of doing this.

The articles are the means to the knowledge. I can't possibly deliver to you the message of the delusional reality if you don't use the means towards discovery. I provide the sources that I feel are well more worthy of any MSCM (main stream corporate media) offering more information of factuality that they deliver opposing the (MSCM) controlled narrative conditioning news towards perception management. That sometimes requires clicking on the links within these articles that at times provides a discovery of comparing their information with that of MSCM. They are attempting to communicate and prove why they oppose the information you get from them.

While when I have time I add my comments and opinions to the articles. Sometimes I agree completely, sometimes I don't and make a point, times I add links to help build on the foundation of the article, or my opinion, either way. If I post an article from MSCM I'm probably ripping it apart in this manor to provide caution and attempting to strengthen my foundation on the narrative for this group. The same reasons the independent alternative writers, journalist, and or political commentators do.

I have a fucking ego too god dam mit! I'm here because I have a fucking ego! I also have an addiction towards doing this dam shit. I love it went you agree and like my comments. I kind of love it when you don't and you cause me to provide reasons I support my opinions and comments. I love it when you provide me with information I didn't know that either causes me to redevelop my opinion or sends me to researching for more information or provides a new source.

TIME TELLS: You think you already know it all. I can tell by the way you conduct yourself here. I can tell when you don't read my shit. I can tell when you just don't care, just don't get it, or want to get it, seem to just have a need to be seen or heard. I can sometimes sense when you have a need to challenge me. It's usually because you show the symptoms of the above. You didn't use the information I provided to build a substantial means to question me, a debate, you think you already have it figured out merely by the title, past experience, or history, and any further discovery is impossible, your facts and history can't be challenged or changed.

BUT MY CAN AND MINE IS WRONG: All I ask is the same respect as I attempt to give. I read everything that comes through this group from other members within that respect. I attempt to at least show that I have done so using the tools this community has provided me. I watch every video as long as it isn't much more than a half hour long. I may skip through it some if it is, especially if I know much of the material and or participants or seen it before. I treat it accordingly as that which I read. I'm a working class stiff with limited time to do this. I spend my time doing my (in my mind) better post on the weekends. Right now on this Memorial Day part of the weekend Mary and I could be out riding the fucking bike blowing off the fucking stress this delusional world forces on us, but I'm here. It's been a beautiful morning to do so and I have a degree of stress to blow off. If you feel the need to challenge or debate me, please give me the respect of having actually acquired the exposure of the information I provided to do so. If you've been in the group for a period of time it's most obvious to me when you haven't given me that same respect. Because I'm a working class stiff, during the week I may not get to your material until the weekend. Hold that thought!

This rant my be edited at my discretion 🙂

William_Mary 8 May 24
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I can tell when you don't read my shit
Aside from wondering how you can determine the readership of your posts, calling your articles 'shit' may be the reason why it isn't read.

A wandering diatribe that attacks the readership is hardly conducive to maintaining their numbers. The point of the site has nothing to do with massaging egos, rather it is a place for sharing ideas; no-one should expect a response.

There may be any number of reasons why responses are not made. Before blaming the leader, first look at yourself, then the article. The answer is almost certainly to be found there.

Magister Level 6 June 1, 2020

@LetzGetReal Yes, I meant reader


Ohferpetessake. Ever hear the saying: "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink"????

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 25, 2020

Yes, it's an urban legend proverb of perception. I'm simply explaining the conditions of my time spent within managing a perception so that my time may be best beneficial to its goals.

@William_Mary and your respect for everyone else's....??????

@AnneWimsey please point out my disrespect. I will surely attempt to atone to it.

@William_Mary ALL CAPS SCREAMING ABOUT YOUR (much more precious than mine) TIME BEING WASTED?????!!!!! Just sayin'...........

@AnneWimsey for fucks sake. It's called a headline.

Did I mention something about {If you feel the need to challenge or debate me, please give me the respect of having actually acquired the exposure of the information I provided to do so----yet?} Just like the last 2 areas I used the same generally universal known method.I guess I should have included just making shit up is silly.

!The exclamation marks are a sign of importance!

I think you found your calling. Now you can go around to every entity that uses bold lettering for a headline and quip about shouting. And go! Just quit it already.

@William_Mary it is not "a headline", internet protocol has always been that Caps are screaming...if you do not know this, you should stay off the 'net!


Yup! One or both of you lovely people need that bike ride - real & metaphorical.

Whether symptomatic of the lockdown or the disenchantment with the site resulting in people leaving I think that everything contributes to the malaise of apathy occurring at the moment.

I leave you with the thoughts that even on a leaden grey cloud covered day the sun is shining and most, apart from Scrooge and even he eventually changed, do not eat the same thing every day.

I think that we all appreciate what you are both doing here and yes are all guilty of failing to acknowledge that fact.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 24, 2020

Don't praise him too much Mr Bear as it will go to his head and he'll get even more stroppy.

@rogerbenham nah, he does a good job in stony stupid ground.


I choose which articles I read here.

BitFlipper Level 8 May 24, 2020

Um... Hi. My name is Deb.

Deb57 Level 8 May 24, 2020

Hi Deb!


Och man, it's your group! It's your thoughts. Often we have not the time for it all. The older that I get, so also the busier I get. I'd love to be in bed by 10.30 but I rarely make it before 11.30.
My only problem with your writings is that they tend to be USA - centric. The USA is becoming the world's pariah state. I'm so glad of being 600 miles north of the border.

USA centric? That's not entirely accurate. And while you claim the USA is becoming the world pariah, how often does your own country collaborate with our pariah government? And or practice the same agendas?
Accomplice much?

But we've been here before Roger, haven't we? In your own words, paraphrasing, that's your history of facts, not mine. As we went through a debate over Jimmy Carter in Afghanistan. Which I left at that being it's hard to debate someone that has the advantage of being able choose or deny facts and history to fulfill their developed perception. History towards your own countries mirrored opposite of ours. Reminds me of an article I read yesterday and many of Caitlin Johnstones. Where only the US is the bully on the block while their own countries heavily share in the spoils from the atrocities all have committed.

Part of the reason USA centric isn't entirely accurate. A good part of my time here is not just on the US, although most could be I guess. But also of the aligning of the entire westernized agenda. A term I use here repeatedly, westernized. It's all over a lot of the WSWS articles I post here and a large part of the SEP presidential platform. Working towards a better world for the world working class in opposition of westernized capitalism, unnecessary warring, ruling class agendas. A narrative I've not been by any means shy of displaying within my attempts to get people to understand the full reasons we here in the US struggle.

As a matter of fact, I occasionally wag my finger across the big pond at the oldest colonialist of all time, England. The Vatican along with them. These 2 entities have written the ground rules of what we all deal with today centuries ago. And quite frankly, I believe still control what we deal with today. The US is just another arm of this power structure, as Canada is, as the US is used as the worlds military power.

Problem much? Distraction. Everyone points their finger at the US while their own countries work behind the curtain with the US and these countries receive entitlements the American people today only dream of now. How fucking convenient. Their histories and actions of being us centuries before us are wiped clean all of a sudden?

If anyone here thinks this is USA centric here, you just made my case within the initial post here 😟

@William_Mary []

@rogerbenham yea, I started picking that apart according to William's world. Would you like me to PM you where I got to it before I couldn't take much more of it?

@William_Mary Not really. Presently my interest is in creating a 24'x12' firewood shed and then filling it with stacked cut birch logs. Followed by a further building project.

@rogerbenham fuck it. Here it is. As the article was posted yesterday. My public reply to it from the beginning was.

{Which kind of American Idiot is more dangerous, then? The malicious one, or the negligent one? The whose vote makes the crucial difference against working systems and institutions, over and over again — or the one whose doesn’t?}

While the article is interesting I have a love hate with this guy much like with Caitlin Johnstone. Who also started her political opinion commentary career on Medium before developing her own web site. She's come a long way with her career now being published on most of the sites I use since about 2016. I believe I posted an article or 2 of his work here in the group. The one linked in 3rd paragraph actually a couple of months ago. But he's way over the line in this one! I began picking it apart and have to admit it turns my stomach and enrages me. I'll come back to finish where I left off if anyone wishes to see it.

My question to these people though turns their own words against them, in his case above. Which political commentator is the most dangerous? Those that constantly direct their dissenting commentary at the US while ignoring their own countries same atrocities and actions, or those who are actually within the US or from the US. Those I use mostly attack the struggles of the working class and imperialism worldwide. This guy is based in London but from Pakistan. BTW Johnstone is from Australia. Each country with their own needed dissenting coverage that collaborates with the US/western agendas. Yet these people spend almost their entire time wagging their finger at us in the US. Malicious and negligent in my world.

I went on further with which I didn't post:

You might have noticed in his article we all seem to be lumped, as citizens, into one way or the other as a negative in our country and on the world society. He correctly points out how MSM outlets attack him while posting an article from, well, another MSM source Harvard Business Review. I find that questionable. Yet he never attempts to really deliver a positive message for our independent journalist and people like us who get it. We only get this---- Nothing works in America, those Americans left who are still thoughtful and reasonable people say, shaking their heads. That’s another way to say: America’s become a failed state.-----suggesting only we are a failed state while the very country he is in is presently failing also within the same
issues and measures because of this virus also. Perhaps he's just so secluded from society he's been missing the protest there for several months even before the virus hit. He should try spending more time observing The Canary's work. I wonder how he would feel if we were to call his fellow people idiots and lumped them all into one groups as such.

{My European and Canadian and Asian friends are baffled. Why are Americans so cruel? So heartless? So brutal with one another?}

I could go on and on with the apparent seemingly agenda of purposely erasing history of these other countries ties to a mirrored imagine to ours and collaboration. But the constant use of the phase referring to us as idiots is profoundly disrespectful and makes Caitlin Johnstone look like an angel. I have to wonder just who his targeted audience is here.

{But how did this kind of a society come to be? It’s not just the malicious kind of American Idiot who made it — it’s also the other kind: the well-meaning, good-hearted, self-respecting American Idiot.}

{The result, though, is that America is now a society in a league of its own in terms of being a gruesome dystopia. You won’t find school shootings in place like Nigeria or Pakistan. You won’t find people paying $250K for an operation or $50K for childbirth anywhere else. You won’t find people begging strangers online to pay the bills. And so forth. America has become a failed state in a class of it’s own, thanks to the American Idiot — the world’s first poor rich country, the world’s first rich country which failed to modernize, the world’s most powerful country, of broke, powerless people.}

O my god! Did I just type O my god? O my god. Nothing like picking a few aspects of one's society apart and ignoring a history of your own worthless warring with India, terrorist actions and collaborations in countless deaths, harboring Bin Ladin, your own poverty stricken sections of society who die due to healthcare needs, !organ theft! A very common crime in the middle east. []

That's where I left off because i wanted to spend some of my day with Mary on the bike. And quite frankly it's a prime example of exactly what I'm talking about that I need a break from as others don't seem to recognize the deliberate distraction being manufactured by these type of people using the US as the worlds sole problems.

@rogerbenham exactly. Thank you.


We all want our work to be read and acknowledged. Nothing is wrong with it.


I only hope your rant helped - I also hope I'm not one of the members you're ranting about. I have found very little of what you have posted to debate, I agree with most of the articles and links. I have shared many.
Do I get blow back?? AHAHAHAHAHAha you betcha. Oh Well.
I have also taken a break from a lot of it. I found I could not shut off the negative and it was interfering with my sleep.
I do hope you two get out for a ride, it does help.

No you're not one of them. You always tend to acknowledge which you don't read. But you and I seem to have a mirrored view on our problems and up to date on about everything here. That helps a lot when you do the simple thing as just clicking on the button to represent your time here showing other members the material might be worthy of their time. !And along with your comments!

I figured as much. I went on a search for you a couple of weeks ago and seen you were posting in a non political group. I worry about you guys especially with this dam virus being around now.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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