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UPRISING: US Propaganda Outlets Omit Black Lives Matter Protests

It’s hard for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty to sell the USA as a shining example of civil liberties and democracy when the internet is drowning in pics of police violence, writes Yasha Levine.


That might be because these places are all trying to quell their own protest also.

{These outlets started in the early 1950s as covert psychological warfare and espionage ops run out of Europe by the CIA. They employed a whole army of immigrants — Nazi collaborators, anti-communists, fascists, prisoners of war — and were explicitly set up to inflame and weaponize nationalism against communism and the Soviet Union.

After they were exposed in a series of reports in the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was a weak movement to shut these propaganda ops down completely — an effort driven by Senator J. William Fulbright. But instead of getting canned, they went “legit” and were expanded.}

That's right, I've said it before. This is an international agenda. At the beginning of the week I posed a thought provoking statement (The world is talking to us and showing us. And with that said, can you tell me one thing that we, especially here in the US, should be noticing and taking from this moment. Because I've been harping on this very issue for quite some time.)

In 2001 after the 9/11 attack we had international mourning unlike any time I can think of. We allowed our government to squander any sense of world unification behind a mask of a fake narrative towards a facade of a war on terrorism. I highly doubt the people of Iran have the high levels of concern for us as they did then. Or any country in the middle east at that now. Since then those of us who rely on better news sources have seen a world lit afire with protest for various reasons. Austerity measures in Europe, Central and South America, Africa for example. Some of these also involving land rights, Africa and Latin America for example due to colonization within corporate theft and bullying, forcefully moving people from their homes.

Hong Kong, another facade towards fake democracy. Illegal government coups backed by westernized countries. Can I get a Bolivia? Now in the news again today as the NYT now admits the elections there actually were legit despite their fake coverage 4 months ago. I told you so just doesnt' hold any justice for the country and its people today though. Nor does their time after time occurrences of fake news that has been collaborate in the deaths and destruction of so many and so much worldwide.

Sure, we've had our own protest here, useless as they have been and continue to be. But the difference is we don't protest with the rest of the world like how they join us. You might not get the whole sense from our MSCM here but the current protest going on here has gone worldwide in unification. I will argue that's because we have been conditioned into individualism as vast majority of the population practices another conditioning of tribal politics. Which is a result of the programing the writer speaks of above and I've attempted to expose here a number of times. Leading us to believe in a delusional reality that has been created for us. And quite frankly, sadly, we here in the US are largely the most compliant population to this managed perception on the planet that we have become the most individualist selfish people to be found.

We became so privileged so long ago that we had to be falsely persuaded into 2 world wars towards building the military complex that has only manufactured us towards achieving and becoming the structured slave power arm for the world ruling class. And it has been nonstop since WWII right up to today. And the rest of the world is always wondering where we are at.

William_Mary 8 June 12
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The idea is not to actually do anything about it.


Got no arguments from me. Thinking about this post makes my head hurt. I have been taking a backseat lately, I am tired of trying to talk to the one or 2 "friends" that just do not get it, other mutual friends have either unfriended them or snoozed them for 30 days, I'm close but I still feel the need to point out the truth/facts. I am tired of the preaching to the choir, we go round and round, we read reports like this post. I am tired of feeling powerless.
I can only imagine what the oppressed of the world must feel.

I feel you. I went through all that in 2016 where I cleaned off my friends list at facebook by 3/4. Right now I'm to a point I feel it's useless for me to post here also. With the election so close it's obvious it's not making a difference. This latest murder has been the only thing to revive a few more post out of me. The information for a genuine concern is coming at me so quickly I really can't keep up with it either. But I know most people aren't following the same sources I am to get it, even though I've provided the best of them.

Sometimes I feel like what they are feeling is a dark cloud over me that depresses me. Like I'm absorbing their pain. I feel like I'm the only one.

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