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If one thing came out of Trumps mouth that was true, his statement about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue was it.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"

With now over 200,000 dead due to inaction on this virus, he hasn't lost a significant amount of voters who support him. That's a lot of somebody's.

I wonder how many who laid dying in the hospital alone without any family or friends who weren't allowed to visit them, finally managed to understand their error in judgment to support him?

While most of the western society is again reporting escalation in numbers from opening to soon, both our establishment parties here in the US continue to sacrifice us for the profiting benefits of their capitalist ruling class and themselves. And with a little over a month away from the election, most people in the US are going to decide our faith in voting for one or the other side of that same coin in compliance to our sacrifices.

I've often mentioned this same narrative when I speak out about the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. How the families remain silent to the essential murder of their loved one's over wars built on lies and can't be won while yet reasons to continue them keep coming. Here we have basically our entire nation set in the same mode making that same error in judgment within compliance. !Humans suck! !Our society is profoundly sick!

William_Mary 8 Sep 24
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The efficiency of the machine guiding education and comprehension of the masses is remarkable. Newspapers, magazines and TV have effectively brainwashed much of western/1st nation society.Those people (mostly men) who own the media have created a world that they believe maximises their personal benefits. We have governments now completely controlled by the corporate requirement to make profit for their shareholders and billionaires who feel a compulsion to get richer.


People are stupid. They fall for propaganda. They pick teams. They lose all semblance of common sense once their peers pressure them into compliance to be accepted. Politicians use psychological studies to shape their campaigns and talking points. Human nature is one of subservience and compliance. After a while it starts to shape and mold the collective consciousness of people. There's always that transition period. That period takes a relatively long time. I fear that the transition period it takes to get out of that way of thinking will be way too long for people to realize what's going on and it will be too late to change anything because those people and society will be doomed before it happens. That's when you get full blown fascism or authoritarianism and governments start cracking down. Because governments put the plan in for this psychological manipulation, they know all the stages it goes through. They plan for any revolt etc. So they have everything in place already. They are 10 steps ahead of the citizenry. People want to be led and feel safe. At least modern people do. By modern I mean once the industrialized age came about. People became more and more dependent on technology and society as a whole. I'm no expert on the subject, but that's the way I see it.

We wrote at the same time. Different ways of saying things. I suspect the same.

@rogerbenham Yeah, I think what we both said ties into one another.

@rogerbenham I tend to be pretty blunt at times though lol

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