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It's official. As of Friday with a record new cases of over 99,100 we have moved into herd immunity. Healthcare and local officials are unable to manage a beneficial means of conducting trace contacting in efforts to reach and warn all those who may have been in contact with a new case. Stating there are to many cases and people to keep up with. With the spread increasing so rapidly they'll probably just quit attempting any measures of tracing other than immediate family and leave it to them to contact those they have knowingly been around. If they remember you and like you, you might have a chance to get on top of it before you become to ill.

In other words. We're on our own.

William_Mary 8 Nov 1
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In case you have not noticed, with the way things are we have been on our own since 2016. No one in the administration cares about people, trump is murdering his supporters with Covid. Who is going to pay for all of this. If they do away with the ACA most hospitals will go bankrupt and close. Then the virus will have free reign to kill at will, which it will do, gladly. I cannot help but think this is a means to separate the smart from the dull.


I am hoping, at this point, that I live till next fall.

Donna_I Level 8 Nov 1, 2020

At 73 I guess I feel the same though I have written my will and final instructions and I'm in the process of labelling who gets what. My hope is that during the next few years the medics will get better and better at treatments so that less and less have long term effects. I have virtually no faith that they can produce a permanent vaccine against this because it is an RNA type virus.

@rogerbenham I need to do all that as well!

@Donna_I Well, I've spent the past year and still am cleaning up after my wife so I do have an incentive to put things in order. My wife was a hoarder ... and I guess I am.

@rogerbenham that is a challenge. I try to do a partial purge of a room or two each year to keep that demon at bay. not always completely effective - for instance I still have a cape I made my son as a halloween costume 15 years ago(he was 6 or so)... for strategic cape reasons. lol! all we can do is try.

@Donna_I Well, she had 6.3 acres and ability to build without asking permission. I had 320 acres in the forests and could do what I liked. I used to pride myself that I brought back from the dump seven times as much as I took. For instance, I have 200 panes of glass. I covered between 5000 and 7000 sq ft of roof with metal roofing. But she had magazines and information dating back to 1972.


2-1/2% is very, very far from herd immunity.


Ain't it just peachy living in America?


There are contact tracing apps that coordinate everyone's data, I know I was reading about it, but it was like sixty national crisis ago and I don't remember much about it.
Here's a bunch of Youtube videos about it.

For those who don't watch the video. In a better functioning society within a socialized mentality like that of much of Asia, these apps aren't going to provide a significant amount of help when you have approximately 26% of the republican population in which many don't consider the virus a concerning issue and won't use them. I personally don't know anyone who has activated them in my area, heard of anyone talking about them even. So that percentage can be expected to be much higher. We just don't have the mindset in the US compared to the social structure that exists in Asia where they function naturally as a unit society for the benefit of all in it. I'm sorry to say we just weren't conditioned to be such. Quite the opposite.

One word for you. Google. I'll just leave that there for you to pick up or step over with your level of trust.

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