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Cracks Emerge in Democratic Party a Week After Election


{“Historic voter turnout by Black voters, Native voters, Latino voters, and young voters ensured victory for President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris,” the groups added. “Scapegoating progressives and Black activists for their demands and messaging is not the lesson to be learned here. It was their organizing efforts, energy, and calls for change needed in their communities that drove up voter turnout.”}

When voting against your own interest comes with also being kicked in the head afterwards, still doesn't make (I told you so) enjoyable. I take this shit pretty serious for our future generations. Used much? Feel it yet?

{Centrists in recent days have zeroed in on the rallying cry to “defund the police,” which came out of the racial justice uprising that began in May, and the term “socialism” as reasons behind their own losses and near-losses.

“Not a single Democrat — progressive or otherwise — argued that Democrats should run primarily on these themes,” the memo reads. “Moreover, these attacks will never go away, nor will demands for reform from social movements. The attacks are designed to stoke racial resentment, which is core to the GOP’s election strategy. Our party should not feed into it.”}

Again on both counts as a few of us here called these also. Especially in regards to the protest leading to a fake show of concern by Pelosi and other democratic leaders as they put on in their kneeling display in African wardrobe. No new news on this issue means back to normal again. The next stage show time will be announced as needed when the proper attire is decided on.

{In addition to falling prey to attacks over ideology, the groups wrote, the Democratic Party has in the post-election period begun attacking the very organizers who helped propel Biden to his presidential win — despite the fact that those same campaigners didn’t share many of his policy priorities:}

In other words. They're widening their destruction of supporters further than they did in 2016 when Sanders supporters such as myself kicked them and Sanders to the curb for their betrayal. All it might take is another smooth talking fascist in 2024 to take back the power again. I bet they already have one picked out.

William_Mary 8 Nov 14
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Dem supporters won't feel it yet. They might never feel it. Even if they do, they're still going to vote Dem in the future because of propaganda like, "This election is too important not to vote for the lesser of two evils", or "Vote blue no matter who". There is always going to be some excuse for why Dem supporters can't break from the party. They will always be pressured and shamed into doing what the establishment wants them to do...........and Dem supporters will say it's in the name of Democracy when they're shaming 3rd party voters again and telling them how to vote.

@William_Mary I take no joy in being this negative lol, but I feel it's just most realistic based on the past. This era with this type of thinking is maybe 30 years old at best. I doubt that's enough time to have a shift in political mentality. I kind of think the longer it goes on it reinforces that type of mentality. Maybe it goes the other way, but how long will that take? 50-100 years? When you think about it, just 4 presidencies could take 32 years. Clinton, GWB, Obama, Trump, and now Biden. So that's going to be 5 presidencies in 32 years. Will anything change after Biden's first 4 years? I doubt it. Then you probably have another 4-8 years for whoever replaces him in 2024 because I doubt he's making it to two terms. Does the next Republican or even possibly Kamala Harris shift voters mentality to trash the system? I doubt it. All the talk about the young vote since 2016 and them supporting Bernie and left wing ideals, and they still voted for one of the two major parties.


{All it might take is another smooth talking fascist in 2024 to take back the power again. I bet they already have one picked out.}

Another problem in our voting blocks is the establishment compliance of those who believe switching party vote will help to solve issues. As though becoming disgruntled with how a party conducts its time in power and switch to the other party. You're going to find a wide range of this as the Biden term moves onward. There will be those who will switch back to vote for a republican if Trump remains out of the picture and a new candidate can manage to con speak their support.

Just as Trump was vastly beneficial for the ruling class while he spoke against the swamp, conning in support, Biden will be the same. Nothing will fundamentally changed wasn't about Trump or Biden, or them and us, it was about the system as a whole. It will remain the same in retrospect as it did with Trump. Don't ever forget that we are being watched and analyzed on social media by public relation groups who use our reactions to basically every button we push and comments we make to manufacture the propaganda the MSCM uses against us towards managing our perceptions as their results are filtered down to produce their 24/7 daily coverage. This will be used to determine who the republicans might run next, and or if Biden can win again. The media will be prepared to use and create the same going brainwashing cycle we've seen for 2 decades now that will filter into social media that will be pure infotainment towards securing the system remains in that retrospect.

It is wasn't for covid I think Trump would have won again. Bush lied us into a war in which American's were being sacrificed and yet that wasn't enough to turn us away from a 2nd term. Bush was every bit of a disastrous president as Trump from A to Z. But that fatal lack of handling the virus I think did the job in his case. Obama went on to do 2 terms even though he was as bad as Bush. Smooth intellectual speak is a winner in politics. Ask Bill Clinton how that works. Biden doesn't have this. Our reactions on social media are going to determine what comes next.

As far as getting away from the 2 major parties it's going to take a die out of obsolete voters and or a combined catastrophe of sorts to finally wake up a mass exit.

Thanks. Really depressing comments. Probably true.

@William_Mary Rumor is that Trump is running again in 2024. I don't know how true it is or if he will even live that far.

Independents are the biggest voting group in the country. The problem is that they sway between the two major parties for the most part.

.....and the joke is on them because I don't watch MSM lol, but I know millions do.

I also think Trump would have won if it wasn't for COVID.

A die out of obsolete voters will just result in new two party voters. It's already happening. Like I said, young voters are supposedly more left wing, but they're still voting for one of the two major parties because of the propaganda you spoke of with MSM. I don't have much hope for new voters to change the system. Even if they did propagate a mass exit, I fear what comes after that. Once those in power feel they are going to lose power over the system then what will they do? Do we become a REAL dictatorship? Is that when the REAL authoritarianism comes in to play?

@Piece2YourPuzzle Independents are also the largest block of none voters who feel unrepresented. I think more of those who do vote lean left of center. Even elderly republicans were willing to vote for Sanders.

I really regret using the term obsolete now 😟 But it seemed fitting at the moment, being the system is basically obsolete for the futuristic society we should be moving towards. I truly didn't mean any disrespect for anyone following this.

Younger voters along our political mindset have been diverted by disinformation into the DSA.

I just see so many avenues of relatively the same political desires being distracted from a just path to unite. Getting all of them to separate from the conditioning propaganda is however an agenda that seemed to be pre 2016. 2016 gave me a lot of hope. But the power of the establishment and media has really done a good job of combatting that movement and stifling it with both parties now fully opposing any sense of socialized advancements.

@William_Mary Joe Manchin, a Democrat, was just on FOX News telling them how socialism is bad and it's not happening with the Democrats. He said he's a proud moderate conservative Democrat and against the Green New Deal and that he voted for conservative judges. He called all the socialized advancements all "crazy stuff".


Not promising.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 14, 2020

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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