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Woke Capitalism: The Poison Pill of Liberal Anti-Racism

Both capitalist parties, and members of the black misleadership class, intentionally play the game of racial politics in order to obscure and ignore issues of class and poverty.


{In the aftermath of the George Floyd uprisings, we have seen the rise in the media, among politicians, non-profits and academics, of a liberal anti-racism which decouples racial justice from economic justice. This watered-down anti-racism of the Democratic Party looks all the more attractive when juxtaposed to the naked bigotry of Donald Trump. This translates into a false radicalism and ultimately the rise of a “woke capitalism” which liberal corporate elites from Jeff Bezos to Joe Biden have enthusiastically endorsed. In response to the crisis of police violence, this Jeff Bezos-endorsed doctrine of liberal anti-racism has been promoted by the Democrat establishment, the mainstream media, liberal policymakers, and academics precisely because this wing of the ruling class wants to quell the possibility of a true interracial working-class assault on the economic underpinnings of racism. Like the Obama administration was for the anti-war movement, the Biden administration may very well be the graveyard for the movement against racist police violence. }

And we watched as many fell hook line and sinker for it. All the while of being reeled in like a fish out of the water about to later be eaten, blissfully compliantly reeled in to the voting process to be eaten by virtually a mirrored persona.

{“The Democrats wanted to run on race as much as Trump did, because only a race-based campaign allows them to avoid any commitment to bread and butter issues – universal free healthcare, job and income security, free public higher education – that threaten the bi-partisan austerity regime (the Race to the Bottom). Bernie Sanders, not Donald Trump, was seen as the near-existential threat to corporate governance. Therefore, the Democrats and their corporate media partners twice ruthlessly eliminated Sanders from the equation so that they could run against Trump on race, and virtually nothing else….”} Glen Ford

He finished that paragraph with-----even though, the second time around, the Democrats knew that the outcome would be a cliffhanger. If, when the dust clears, the Democrats have won the presidency, they have only “saved” the public from a Frankenstein of their own, meticulous making. And, they will need Trump, or someone like Trump, again if they are to continue defending the austerity policies that are immiserating majorities of the American people. Race-based campaigns serve both corporate parties. ?2024?

{Through their corporate neglect of the poor and working class, the Dems laid the very groundwork for the Tea Party and then Trump to come in and exploit people's economic despair. The compromising of progressive and union leadership to get a seat at the table under Obama was disgraceful and we are gearing up to repeat the same mistakes, make another deal with the devil, and drive more working-class folk into the arms of Trumpism in four years.}

William_Mary 8 Dec 2
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