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Freedom Rider: Impeachment Theater

Democracy is hanging on by a thread -- not due to marauding Trumpsters – but because of bipartisan support for neoliberal policies.

The impeachment circus has mercifully come to an end. The public have endured rank hypocrisy and a cynical show meant to give both parties cover for their wrong doing. The Republicans defended Donald Trump on the charge of inciting an insurrection because that’s what their people want them to do. Their rank-and-file members are Trump defenders, and senators took a risk if they voted to convict the man who garnered more than 74 million votes in his losing effort.


{The Democrats can always be counted on to give themselves away. After the vote to convict predictably failed, Nancy Pelosi opined, “Our country needs a strong Republican Party.” She needs a strong Republican Party to help cover up her wheeling and dealing. They are a convenient foil who can be blamed whenever the Democrats decide to take a dive. The issue may be Medicare for all, raising the minimum wage, or increasing stimulus payments. Anything that the people need will not be on the agenda.}

{Impeachments are political affairs, show trials meant to impress the rubes. True criminality that kills people is defended by the political establishment and is never punished. Trump could be impeached for killing thousands of people with sanctions but that will never happen. His crime was becoming the accidental president and continuing to behave as an accidental outsider for the next four years. One doesn’t turn a mob loose in the Capitol without consequence. But this chapter of name calling and finger wagging is over. It is time for Democrats and Republicans to get back to the business of doing nothing that the people need them to do.}

I didn't post much on this riot and impeachment theatrical show due to the idiocy it was. Seriously, it wasn't like we didn't know something of sorts wasn't coming down. Proving the complicity of the entire DC core. I've been making post to this unavoidable reality since Trump was hurdled into the political prime time slot. With the help of The Mint Press News and World Socialist Web Site, we've been given all the dire warnings to provide us with fairly correct predictions that played out. Many of us here passed along conjectures that pretty much played out as we thought.

WSWS, as usual, for 4 years laid out virtually every act and the results with near precise accuracy. MPN exposed that Israeli intelligence in collaboration with our intelligence and military held simulations in respect to the election cycle that they foreseen uprisings and the possible need for martial law. There were a series of articles ran by MPN to this regard combining this aspect to other aspects on how Israel intelligence is interconnected to our nation intelligence apparatus. Right down to our 9/11 system. Well, we got the uprising in DC over the elections, and we got, and still have, a sense of martial law in DC.

This should give us all question to whether these actions came to be due to purposeful and extraordinary preplanning. Do you really think this information wasn't available to our MSCM, which one might take out of ignorance went right under their radar? Well, no. If this information was exposed to the entire citizenry then the argument that no one could possibly have seen this day coming would be a ludicrous statement. Like no one could imagine a group of people flying a jetliner into a skyscraper. Their job is distraction from critical thought.

Congressional hearings today, and the 2 impeachment processes, are also distractions from the critical thought process. 2, 3, or more days of constant repetitive speak. Mesmerizing conditioning with added catchy phrases that are designed only to make headline news for MSCM to further embed into our brains. If they'll good enough they have a shelve life on social media that last forever. As I listened to the last greatest show on Earth I wondered how long ago the speech writers began their work on the scripts each representative was spewing out. Looking at the evidence they and their MSCM have ignored, They've had weeks, months, even years. None of them actually participating in any sense of judicial process. But attempting to build a case for their party, justifying their party's next moves, attempting to show their failed 2 establishment system was still intact, and retaining their supporters.

But hey, it took all our minds off of the horrid atrocities we're committing or part of worldwide for a while. Well, not mine.

William_Mary 8 Feb 21
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I couldn't agree more with any of this. At least two of us are not ignorant rubes that fall for the distraction and propaganda. Too bad we will always be way outnumbered.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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