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James Bradley, Author of Flags of Our Fathers, #1 New York Times Best-Seller, Speaks Out Against the U.S. Military Encirclement of China

In an exclusive interview with CAM, James Bradley warns that war could break out anytime, and the U.S. would be to blame. Bradley calls for renewed engagement with China at a grass-roots level.


{The China Mirage ends with a warning for today. Bradley writes that, “from those early days [19th century] until now, America has dispatched its hopeful sons and daughters to faraway Asia in search of a mirage that never was. And never will be.” That mirage is the idea of China as moldable in American hands. Now, according to Bradley, we have entered another disappointment phase as an ascendant China has gone about its business of expanding its economy and hence its worldwide influence. The danger is that Washington will not get over its disappointment. Bradley in fact describes the current situation—where the U.S. encircles China—as akin to dry tinder ready to spark a war.}

{My political awakening was more of a personal humanity awakening. I was from Wisconsin, where as a boy I learned that there were different tribes in the world and they had superstitions. These funny people eat this and who’s eating dog? There’s all these different types of people, but in slowly dealing with various people, I got the feeling there’s only one type of people. Almost everybody in the world sleeps at night. The commonality between us humans. We’re looking at the divisions [but] almost everybody eats a part of a chicken for breakfast, eggs, chicken soup, noodles. Mothers’ tears if you analyze them chemically, the tears of an Afghani mother is equal to the tears of an American mother. Instead of entering from a political realm, I came in from a human realm. As my mother later said, after I wrote a couple books, “All war is civil war because we’re fighting each other.”}

wowl---that's loud

{Now we have to own the Indian Ocean too. China might try to get into the Indian Ocean. We have to contain China. Michael Klare told me on an interview on my Untold Pacific podcast that our military is being told to prepare for inevitable war with China.}

Previously my views on war with China were built on our dependency of their slaving servitude for our products. But since this virus has been used to exacerbate the inequality here in the US it's obvious we're looking at an eventual total economic collapse the ruling class has drastically taken advantage of. Out of self preservation?

Where our representation has spent the last 13 years building nearly an unimagined means to reverse a coming collapse as it was with tax breaks to the ruling class and printing billions out of thin air basically nightly to cover their crimes and unethical practices, the economic damage this virus exposes has taken us over the top. War, which will become a world war, is seemingly their only desire to erase the madness towards another beginning.

The amount of damage and world suffering will depend on which side Russia takes, what parts of Central and South America can come out as the biggest power structure, the puppets of the west, or the socialist. Who joins Iran in the Middle East or who fall into the slavery of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Will the American people allow our government to use their children in another manufactured war for the profits of a tiny few and their delusional reality. China alone will not be a short war though either!

Gen. Wesley Clark • 7 countries in 5 years ---- 5 years was a very long time ago! And these are all falsely manufactured wars build on lies and deceitful means that have drastically evaporated precious resources we're unable to rebound from now. This video has been out there for at least 14 years according to the earliest date I seen, and we've numbly went along with world atrocities and genocides since knowing 😟 We're all over Africa today inciting more wars. China and Russia next?

{The bottom line is that my father was a major taxpayer in the 1960’s and Washington never told him that a U.S. air campaign was a guaranteed loser. General LeMay and the military–industrial geniuses at the New York Times, Harvard, Hollywood and America’s local judges and mayors all believed that the U.S. Air Force would prevail. My father’s generation was not told that the 1960’s war games showed that Ho Chi Minh would win.

Are Americans aware of the recently conducted U.S. vs. China war games? Apparently, the U.S. taxpayers reading this have paid for multiple U.S. – China war games which result in China’s victories.}

Learn Chinese!?!

{So now, we’re in the disappointment phase. You can read it in foreign policy magazines; listen to the biggest thinkers in Washington on China and you’ll hear them say it. “We thought China would change and become more open and more democratic, and they didn’t!”

Folks, you know what? Instead of getting caught up in all this communist terminology and “the CCP,” we should realize China has its own political structure. There’s an Emperor. Under the Emperor are the mandarins. That’s the Chinese Communist Party. There’s a seamless history for thousands of years, and the Emperor is making decisions. He has the Mandate of Heaven right now. According to polls, the Chinese people approve of him while America has a lot of improvements they could make in their own country.}

{How come the American press isn’t all over Afghanistan showing reels and reels of of what has happened there? How many war refugees and displaced persons because of America’s unending wars? Gee, the number is 37 million refugees and it only cost us $6.4 trillion. Right next door the Muslim problem as conceived by the people who invaded Afghanistan is being dealt with brutally. Well, China had some of the same concerns, but they didn’t bomb their Muslims. They came up with different solutions.}

{Jeremy Kuzmarov: On the Uighur issue briefly, what is your assessment of the situation? Are there major human rights abuses? It is certainly being played up for propaganda purposes and your point is certainly well taken, but how bad is the situation there? Is it really exaggerated?

James Bradley: Go down to the streets of New York or Los Angeles. Look at the tents, look at the urine. Look at the feces in the streets. How much freedom do these people have? Let’s look at the American prisons. The statistics are rather stark. Who’s in the prisons and how are we treating them? Did you see the article where the food company for this prison—I think it was [in] Maine or Massachusetts—was supplying dog food for the tacos for the prisoners, for like half a year. And then when they were found out, there was no apology, no fine, and the same food company continued to receive a contract to supply food in the jail.

Let’s look at Afghanistan. Let’s look at how America has dealt with the Muslim problem. Obama was bombing seven Muslim countries at the same time. So that doesn’t excuse any abuse in Xinjiang, but is genocide happening there? No I’m sorry it’s not. If you read the propaganda, you can go on Wikipedia and it says Lee Harvey Oswald killed John Kennedy. So yes, you’re going to continue to see the word genocide, because guess what? The security services of the United States, the CIA, the American military they said they would like to destabilize China. Oh, what a surprise.}

🙂 James Bradley: In the 1860s, a one-eyed Civil War general from the United States named Charles LeGendre, whose nickname was “General,” went to China as a diplomat. General LeGendre spoke to the mandarins about America’s Monroe Doctrine and said that China should have its own Monroe Doctrine for Asia. The one-eyed American spoke of how President Andrew Jackson and President James Polk used the military to take land from the Cherokee and Mexicans. General LeGendre pointed to the island of Taiwan and told the mandarins they should invent a pretext and invade Taiwan to demonstrate to the world that Taiwan was part of China. The mandarins responded by telling General LeGendre that he was crazy, that everyone in Asia already knew that Taiwan was part of China. 🙂

😟 Frustrated, General LeGendre sailed away. In Tokyo LeGendre pitched a “Japanese Monroe Doctrine for Asia” and Emperor Meiji loved it. LeGendre became the first foreigner employed by the Japanese Foreign Ministry. Twenty-one-year-old Emperor Meiji honored LeGendre with an imperial audience on March 9. The Japanese government created a “Bureau of Savage Affairs” and incorporated new Western words like koronii (colony) into the Japanese language. Japanese newspapers Otherized the Taiwanese, calling them cruel and inhuman, and spoke of Japan’s responsibility to civilize the savages. In early May of 1873, Japan invaded Taiwan with U.S. military advisers supporting the operation. Thus began Taiwan’s troubled recent history. 😟

{For the Emperor Xi and his mandarins, the world didn’t start in 1945. It didn’t start in the 1870s when Japan invaded Taiwan. It started thousands of years ago. Taiwan is part of China. I like to say that Emperor Mao made China one; Emperor Deng made China rich; and Emperor Xi is going to make China whole. Taiwan is part of China.

The Chinese would like to reunite Taiwan like East Germany was put together with West Germany. Hong Kong became British years ago through violence, through people dying from cannon fire and musket fire. Now Hong Kong has been reunited with China with no violence. So China would like to do the same with Taiwan. The American decision is whether they want to go against history and have thousands and thousands of their boys and girls incinerated on Guam and on aircraft carriers and on military golf courses in Korea and Japan.}

{James Bradley: Yes. It’s not an important act [though] it’s not like the Taiwan military is going to have a chance against China. But yes, it’s an irritant. A big irritant. On Trump’s side, it’s a sale. If you’re president, you better be a pretty good military arms salesman. But the arms sales are almost meaningless. All those arms sales, bombs, planes would all be countered within 30 minutes.}

There you have the bottom line. The White House is now merely the managers office of our representation to sell death and destruction worldwide for the ruling class and military industrial complex.

{The [last time] China went out was in the 13th century. They had those fleets of “treasure ships” larger than any flotilla until World War II. They sailed worldwide. It cost a lot of money and they came back and they reported to the Emperor: “The only thing outside of China are Barbarians and bad food.” Then they burned the ships. The idea of conquering the world is not Chinese. America goes all the way around the world to Iraq or Vietnam.}

{The danger of war right now is with China; we’re in a different world and the business of China is business and the business of America is war. Let’s say we take a country where 50% of their taxes go to support a war machine. And let’s say this country has war colleges. And let’s say every large civic event in the U.S. has the American military marching in the colors, and let’s say there’s a country where the military is the most or one of the most admired institutions.

Well, that country is probably going to go to war. The Defense Secretary of the United States is a former board member of Raytheon. They make cluster bombs. Raytheon’s income is going to go up, Lockheed’s income is going to go up. We need to have enemies. The U.S. Army has Russia and the U.S. Navy needs China.}

Our direction is of a profoundly sick sadistic reality.

{The U.S. Navy is building a concrete Maginot line from Hawaii down to the Philippines. Just imagine a bunch of cement. Preparing for war with China. This is billions of dollars in contracts and huge.

If America puts another missile on Guam, pointed at China, the island might sink. So 50% of America’s taxes are going to this military industrial complex. I wonder if America is going to be propagandized regarding terrible enemies in Russia and China. Obviously.}

We get just enough scraps to keep us passive while a growing number of us continue to fall through the cracks left behind.

{But you have the Secretary of State and administration officials saying, genocide, genocide, genocide? It’s just propaganda on the big blank screen. But hey, these people in the Biden administration, they’re the same ones that said, Russia, Russia, Russia. And that wasn’t true. And then before them it was WMD. And that wasn’t true. And before that there was Tonkin Gulf and that wasn’t true. So why do we continue to believe?}

What's it take to reach---enough?

{John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, wrote a book, Why Leaders Lie. He wanted to study why leaders lie, and he discovered to his surprise that leaders don’t lie to each other because Putin and Biden can see the same intelligence and they know the truth.

The lying goes on from the leaders down to their own people. Why? Because the people look up and they want to believe. And Mearsheimer says it’s the public’s desire to believe authority that allows the leaders to lie. There’s WMD, Putin hacked the DNC, there’s cotton slave labor in Xinjiang. They’re writing on the big blank screen, and the reason they can lie is that Americans still want to gobble up this stuff.}

Most people are followers. They're following a fake script. 80% of the information our MSCM hands down to us is designed by public relation firms, think tanks, and NGO's to benefit the ruling classes agenda, in which they own our representatives to resell the false narratives to us again. It's a repetitive cycle of delusional portions.

{Why would anybody read the New York Times or the Washington Post? After all, they have been documented to consistently lie?}

It should be a no brainer that all MSCM TV news programs are in the same category.

!!!America, better take a look at its dollar. I think the standard of living in America is going to change very soon. You know our power comes from our economy. Walk the streets of Los Angeles. Walk the streets of Shanghai. Who would you bet on in the short term? America has a lot of work to do and it’s not out in the South China Sea. And it’s not about Taiwan, and I don’t think we need any more tanks and bombs. We need some paying attention to America.!!!

William_Mary 8 May 9
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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