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The End of Low Wage Work

One would think that employers in retail and restaurants are the victims. The corporate media repeat endlessly that they can’t find workers but don’t tell us why this situation has taken place. The opportunity to hear why workers make a logical choice is never heard. The result is more right wing propaganda masquerading as news.


{It is a positive change to see workers take a little bit of advantage of the system. The system takes advantage of them often enough. Discount stores like Dollar General are the fastest growing retail outlets in the country. They hire as few workers as possible, wrongly classify workers as managers in order to exempt them from overtime protection, and regularly engage in wage theft. It is little wonder that the unemployed have decided to stand down.

They should be supported by everyone else and their efforts should be part of political demands made to the supposedly less evil democrats. These positions would be filled if wages were higher and working conditions were better, and no one should be confused about that fact. Any anger should be directed at the employers who bend the law to favor themselves and to the politicians who do their bidding. The workers who fight back as best they can should not be the targets of criticism.}

!!!Complaints and demands should be directed at the members of congress who claim to be progressives. Instead of joining the pro Joe Biden propaganda they should confront him and the rest of the neoliberals and make good on the image they have created for themselves. If Biden is truly “transformational” now is the time for him to prove it.!!!

Democrats Give an “A” Grade to Joe Biden’s Brand of Corporate Rule. Should the Left?

Democrats have treated the Biden presidency’s first 100 days as the calm after the Trumpian storm. Yet the real storm of U.S. corporate rule continues, this time without the partisan opposition that existed under Donald J. Trump. So-called progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asserted that Biden has exceeded her expectations while Pramila Jayapal gave Biden an “A” grade for his performance thus far. Long before these overtures, The Washington Post declared Biden’s bid to "tame” the left a smashing success.

Biden’s job is not to improve the lives of “American Families.” His job is to stabilize the U.S. imperialist system. The promises Biden has made in his “American Families Plan” mirror those made during the first three months of Barack Obama’s administration. Many of these promises were broken, and there is nothing to indicate that Biden will not follow the same path. How quickly it is forgotten that Obama ostracized the movement for single-payer healthcare, abandoned the Employee Free Choice Act, and worked to strike a Grand Bargainwith Republicans on endless austerity and war.


{No actual definition of “left” politics would include the Democratic Party as it exists today. True leftists oppose endless war, racism, austerity, and environmental destruction. They build organizations and movements that enhance the capacity of workers and oppressed people to challenge the rule of the exploiter class. In the United States, this class primarily refers to the capitalist owners of giant corporations and their servants who administer the state.}

Everything we're seeing coming out of MSCM right now is a false narrative towards erasing the past of Biden and hyperbole of a fallacy future. A distraction from current foreign policies he's managing and continuing that began in the Reagan era, in which this liberal MSCM is currently attempting to deceive us into believing he is ending. As the CNN article I commented on earlier was one of the hidden agendas.

Conditioning the public to the blissful acceptance of another failed like Obama administration. Also while contemptuously relaxing virus protocols as spreads and deaths continue in vulnerable areas and the ruling class continue to rape American's within inequality. In which the largest aspect of his 2 trillion dollar answer for saving America on the infrastructure facade, turning around trumpdumb, will exacerbate inequality while all social aspects are, as I type, being picked apart one by one into degeneration.

While those of us who manage to remain out of the cracks this creates, the vast majority will blissfully fall into compliance and accept another failed 4 years as being beneficial as society as a whole falters into the abyss.

{The Democratic Party does not meet any of the most basic criteria of left politics. This poses the following questions: how has Biden’s presidency helped facilitate a more peaceful world, a cleaner environment, and a more egalitarian economic order? Does Biden’s rule offered more political space for mass movements to increase their power over society?}

Not by any shape or means. The words fall from these peoples lips to their feet as soon as they hit oxygen. And then they trample on them just as they do society.

{The enormity of the global health and economic crisis places the first few months of Biden’s presidency in proper context. Biden’s policies thus far represent the bare minimum response of a social order mired in total decay. More than a half million people have died of COVID-19 and tens of millions of people have experienced unemployment or underemployment in the United States since the economic collapse began in March of 2020. These numbers do not take into account that the U.S. capitalist economy had still not recovered from the 2007-08 economic crisis .}

His answers lead only to wider cracks to fall into.

{Perhaps most important to Biden’s presidential legacy thus far is what his administration hasn’t done to mitigate the suffering of the working class. Biden remains firmly opposed to Medicare for All even though one in four Americans avoid necessary medical care due to cost. He has already provided nearly three times more in military weaponry to police departments in the first quarter of his presidency than Donald Trump’s last quarter in office and has rejected use of the DOJ or executive powers to investigate the murders of Black Americans by police. Biden has no plans on fighting his own party’s opposition to a $15 per hour minimum wage even though the policy is supported by broad majorities of the U.S. population. Far from reversing Trump’s immigration policies, Biden has deported more people in one quarter than Donald Trump’s administration deported in four years.}

But the trump haters have already forgotten about this, unwilling to keep chiming those bells as they've already been conditioned to accept tribal fallacy.

{Furthermore, anyone who grades Joe Biden glowingly is explicitly endorsing U.S. militarism and imperialism. Biden has delayed U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan by four months, bombed Syria, supported Haiti’s neocolonial dictatorship, maintained starvation sanctions on dozens of countries, and intensified the U.S.-led New Cold War against Russia and China. To fund these and other imperial ventures, Biden has proposed an even larger military budget than his predecessor . The U.S. military is one of the largest polluters in the world and its treasure trove of funds render any kind of real public investment in human need both domestically and abroad impossible.}

New boss---Same as the old bosses.

{His administration’s primary purpose is to get the United States back to the normal operations of capitalist exploitation, racism, and imperialism.

Yet the normal operations of the United States only lead to the very crises that gave us Donald Trump in 2016. Optimism over Joe Biden inevitably fails to consider the reality facing the United States’ social system. This system, imperialism, has little left to offer but destructive wars and a world mired in poverty and climate disaster. Biden’s attempts to pander to the Democratic Party base does nothing to change the overall trajectory of the United States, but it does cement the Democratic Party’s status as the most effective evil in the arsenal of the ruling class.}

When the next false Iraq comes, those who support this same repetitive cycle, make sure your first to send yours kids off to be the first virtually murdered to help manipulate our fake positive economy.

William_Mary 8 May 16
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I wouldn't know if the exact publix business model is best, but would think more business should be employee owned and profit sharing. Then the next best option is that everyone has unlimited money and work where they want. It would take a cultural shift in teaching people to be apart of community for sake of community .

Selfish greediness is part what drives capitalism slavery. Capitalism slavery is the force by necessity that causes many people to work that would not otherwise work if they didn't have needs or wants.

Publix Super Markets, Inc., commonly known as Publix, is an employee-owned, American supermarket chain headquartered in Lakeland, Florida. Founded in 1930 by George W. Jenkins, Publix is a private corporation that is wholly owned by present and past employees and members of the Jenkins family.


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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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