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You probably won't see this in our MSCM though.


William_Mary 8 July 15
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My original post was a hypothetical regarding what might of happened should we continued to foster the more open policies of Obama. I was drawing upon anthropological background as to what happens to a culture when they are introduced to material items that are superior to what they presently have. A dependency occurs that changes the recent culture. This phenomenon is well documented in anthropological research.

I was not saying that I was a proponent of this policy, just that I thought if might work to achieve the objectives, and without violence.

Why the ad hominem attacks? So angry. I do adhere to correct scientific process and can provide evidence when required. This was a hypothetical.

t1nick Level 8 July 17, 2021

William_Mary@ You disappoint me. Our previous discussions have been less random attachs and more substantial. You bounced between many topics. Many of which were irrelevant.

One comment though. People say a lot of things until they are offered something different that is more appealing. Plus everybody needs a boogie man when times go back. Whether it be the Cuban people or Conservatives.

t1nick Level 8 July 16, 2021

Right! The substance always coming from me as I back up my statements with actual coverage from those that have been there and or did the investigative work. While you have only provided false rhetoric conjecture that our MSCM uses to betray the public. Which they and establishment are working for the ruling class to manufacture that boogieman.

For a proclaimed 30 year veteran of the scientific field you should understand providing evidence with what you speak as being pertinent. Not once have you though. It's been easy to show your scientific theories as flawed.

So who's under attack here? Your outlook of being attacked is flawed also. When I'm the only one providing substantial information to the issues which you can't address without conditioned rhetoric already designed for you from the propaganda machine, it clearly isn't you.

Disappointment is when society puts their trust in a scientist that delivers poor results in his or her theories leading them astray within disastrous events.



I disagree. Cuba has been stuck in the 1950's since 1959. Cuba is only 90 miles from the US shores. Despite the lockdown on communications and media coming out of the US, the people were able to see what they were missing and they were anxious to be able to engage in that consumerism. Especially after Obama opened up the Internet and they saw all they were missing.

I going to use analogy that is not perfect. But hopefully suffices. A recently rescued a dog off the street that had been abandoned. She looks to have been on the street for awhile as her ribs were plainly visible. At first she was leary of me and her new surroundings. But as she got used to receiving food and attention it did not take long and she was hooked. She know is so devoted that wherever I go there she goes. When resting she has to be in contact with me physically to be comfortable.

I think that we take for granted the power of consumerism and material goods as we have been submerged within it since birth. We take it for granted as we have all we need and want at our fingertips at any and all times

Afterall, consumerism and material goods were part of the reason for the downfall of many tribes after European contact. The desire for metal goods like axes, weapons like rifles, metal cooking utensils,, mirrors, beads, colorful cloth, etc. These trade items which generally were traded at a disadvantage to the tribal societies were too great of an appeal.

t1nick Level 8 July 16, 2021

Well, if being considerably as, if not more, advanced in the medical field, reduced poverty, and less illiteracy than in the US is considered being stuck in the 50's, can we please go back to the 50's? You have me at a slight disadvantage on that being your profile lacks location. Those are current statistics recognized with a good amount of backing worldwide though. Speaking of the 50's. The time line when the ruling classes owned establishment with the help of organized religion began their war on the FDR system of socialism that took the US out of the great depression. Kind of ironic, huh? Which we had the likes of virtually every socialist and communist party in the US at that time, and unions, to thank for then. Western is all I see indicating location? And political and social conditioning?

The people? Are you attempting to create a false narrative by implicating that all people in Cuba support YOUR proclamation? Then you clearly didn't watch the video as you claimed. Clearly shouldn't speak on Cuba's history either being you obviously miss the fact that the vast majority of the population in Cuba supported the government since the revolution up to today. Along with your false claims on their media and Internet. The same false narratives used with Venezuela. China next? While China in times of heightened opposition aggression occasionally shuts down the Internet at times, I've never known Cuba to do so. Or Venezuela. As a matter of fact, with Venezuela, the media there is relatively equal in regards to pro and anti government, with wifi provided. The same as in Cuba.

Quite frankly, it's pathetic to use a story of a dog to set a tone within false rhetoric when these issues have tragic human results in reality. Results that are due to the interferences of westernized nations which you seemingly are willing to use over factual information to attempt to lure people into a rabbit hole of illusions. I'm having a hard time taking your claim to have worked in the scientific field for 30 years in 2 fields as a legitimate claim. And you just now recognizing that atheist have been the scorn on society is quite troubling also, especially having been raised by the Presbyterian church which should have provided you advanced knowledge above the rest of us, comparing other organized religions to yours and society as a whole.

While you attempt to lump all their people into a crowd of the vastly few, you're willing to refuse to give the majority an equal consideration? That makes you no better than the mis/disinformation we get from our own MSCM.


I watched. Not surprising given how the US has treated Cuba. Had they let the Obama era plan go on, by now the consumerism would have negated the need for the re-energence of Socialism would not had a chance.

I realize that this is a cynical assessment. But had trump allowed it to continue, the genie (sudden acquisition of long desired material goods) had been let out, it would have been difficult to put ot back in.

t1nick Level 8 July 15, 2021

I don't think consumerism has a whole lot to do with Cuba's issues. Re-energence of socialism? Socialism is what has provided their people with the current balance their society presently benefits from. Which the vast majority of the population there still supports.

While ending the embargo and sanctions would surely benefit Cuba substantially in job growth and product diversity, they've managed to provide virtually any basic needs within the Latin partnership of other dissenting countries.

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