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WikiLeaks & the Crimes of the West in Afghanistan

None of the assassins were Afghan. And the Taliban government at the time even offered the U.S. to extradite Osama bin Laden — an offer the U.S. did not even respond to. Virtually no word was said about the country of origin of 15 of the 19 terrorists — Saudi Arabia.

On the contrary: members of the Bin Laden family were flown out of the U.S. A in a night-and-fog operation so that they could not be interrogated. After classified parts of the 9/11 commission report were released in 2016, it emerged that high-ranking members of the Saudi embassy in Washington had been in contact with the terrorists before the attacks. Consequences? None. They are our allies.


{Thörner predicted that the complicity of the NATO troops in the war crimes and the “counterinsurgency methods from the colonial era” would turn the population more and more against the West and strengthen fundamentalism. We see the result today: the triumph of the Taliban across the country.}

As I stated the other day, the real terrorist are on their way out of the country. We needed no more proof than what the past 19 years have handed us to understand how the Taliban swept into power so quickly. While Biden and the military commanders of any period of those years feed us pathetic false narratives via a collaborate MSCM who fail to provide a genuine retort to their comments. Not only do they fail in this, but they collaborate by attempting to manage our perception that the Taliban can only be an evil entity. As the US establishment in the shadows is already attempting to work with them.

I'd say it's strange how the Taliban manage to be labeled as evil by those who have managed to be evil in numerous countries, and at home, using many of the same tactics, or worse, but strange is quite different than hypocrisy. What might seem strange though is if the Taliban actually end up managing to creating a country that can now prosper without negative influence.

{But today it is finally clear: the alleged humanitarian operation only plunged the country further into misery and strengthened the Islamists. As in Iraq, as in Libya, as in Mali. It is time to finally bury the doctrine of the “responsibility to protect,” which was coined at the time of the beginning of the Afghan war, and to brand it as what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.}

I would argue using the term Islamist as being quite hypocritical coming from a nation which virtually holds and supports the same type of fundamental aspects within its religious organizations. Especially when it comes to the right side of the establishment and its supporters, Evangelicals.

William_Mary 8 Aug 21
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