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The Many Crimes of Colin Powell

Colin Powell's death is an opportunity to question the inclination to respect the Black face in a high place. Powell's career includes a litany of crimes that must never be excused.

“But we already had two firsts. Colin Powell was one of them, and Condoleezza Rice, his successor as secretary of state. How did that redound to the benefit of black people for the United States to have a black — put a black face on imperialism, on aggressive war, on violations of international law? How does that make black people look better in the world? Is that the kind of burden that black people want to carry around?” Glen Ford


You can find a short debate Glen Ford had with Michael Eric Dyson on Democracy Now during the 2008 primary cycle in which that statement above originated from. The link being his name at the end of that paragraph. For anyone not indoctrinated, I think you'll find that what Ford's views on an Obama presidency would become, correctly became reality. Powell doesn't measure up to the BAR either.

{He said this about his life and work, ““All I want to do is judge myself as a successful soldier who served his best.”}

Completely on the wrong side of morality and humanitarian aspects, he personally, without a doubt, accomplished that for the benefit of the ruling class agenda.

{Powell was the ultimate careerist, striving to get ahead, proving himself to be of service to the powerful. Although in the end he was hoisted on his own petard. Bush informed him his services were no longer needed just days after the 2004 election . Powell committed crimes on Bush’s behalf and then was unceremoniously let go. The dirty work had been done, Bush was safely in office again and the man who was falsely marketed as a moderating force no longer served a purpose. He retired to a nice life, making lots of money giving speeches and sitting on corporate boards.}

{Aside from the Vietnamese, Panamanians, Iraqis and Haitians who directedly suffered at his hands, Black people were most negatively affected by him. By the time Powell came to prominence the notion of liberation came to mean little more than having access to those places where only white people had been allowed. If one of those places entailed being a decision maker when bombs rained down and coup plots were hatched, so be it. Black politics had diminished to such a point that Black people turned against their own ethos and were no longer averse to aggression and criminality if someone who looked like them was a party to the wrongdoing.}

Welcome to the black elite.

{Nina Turner joined them in believing she had to give condolences too.}

I'll just leave that real nature for the Turner lovers to dwell over.

William_Mary 8 Oct 23
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Just like AOC, I see a slow progression in Nina Turner in kissing the establishment's ass. When will people learn? it's the same old song every election cycle and/or generation.

Powell is being whitewashed just like every other war criminal or criminal in general when it comes to politicians and corporate lackeys, and why wouldn't they? It's the corporate media that's in bed with the establishment politicians so of course they're going to whitewash them. They do their best to advocate for their murderous criminal positions when they're alive so why not when they're dead too?

Republican voters and even Democrat voters have whitewashed Bush II, Powell, and I'm sure when it's time they will do the same to Kissinger. It's disgusting!

Is it just boomers and Gen X?

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