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🤣 In New Yorker interview, Ocasio-Cortez defends Biden and Pelosi, urges readers not to lose “hope” in reforming two-party system 🤣

On February 14, the New Yorker magazine published an interview with New York Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). {AKA--fake socialist.}

The interview was conducted by New Yorker editor David Remnick, author of a hagiographic 2010 biography of Barack Obama and prominent liberal promoter of the Bush administration’s lies justifying the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

{That should be immediately recognized as an oxymoron considering the fake divisional divide of the parties. But then fake is the underscoring reason it isn't if you're fully awake on the political atmosphere.}


{The purpose of Remnick’s interview, headlined “Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez an insider now?”, is to promote the New York Democrat’s flagging image as a political outsider with youth appeal. Remnick’s subheadline reads: “After three years in the halls of power, she’s seen the ‘shit show’ up close—and hasn’t given up on her vision for how to change it.”

The interview is a portrait of a conventional capitalist politician.}

In other words I have used here on multiple occasions. She's a fake socialist compliantly operating from the use of 2 fake socialist entities to deceptively herd these youth into the democratic party. Where their support will continue to provide a foundation that operates against their preferred desires for their country. It wasn't a mere coincidence that the DSA and Jacobin Magazine suddenly found vast fame on social media in 2016 with AOC quickly coming in behind them in 2018 and the squad being added in.

This enlightenment came upon the back of another fake socialist Bernie Sanders within the movement of his supporters genuine desire for a socialist structural change, in which he betrayed. Let me repeat that very important message. His supporters. Because Sanders did very little to build the ability to win that primary. As a matter of fact, he allowed what was obviously an orchestrated agenda for him to lose from Iowa to the end without a word. Then betrayed his promise at the convention. Then joined in the false Russian narrative with Clinton and the DNC to cover it up. Even though while in court it was virtually revealed how Sanders donations went to Clinton and the DNC can legally pick the candidate they want, which they did within a collaborate scheme of deception on voters.

When the democratic party recognized it made a grave err with placing Sanders, a spoken democratic socialist beside Clinton in 2016, thinking he'd gain little to no support due to that speak, a strategy had to be developed to combat all the socialist minded citizens who came out of their sleep in droves finally getting their potential opportunity. They had no coherent thought of how many people were ready for a major shift in the fake divisional power structure the establishment and their media project. AOC was quickly manufactured under false narratives as Joe Crowley was awarded a promotion to become a lobbyist and group think towards wealth. The squad was developed to enhance AOC's new found false glorification.

{The interview is most notable for what Ocasio-Cortez did not say. In the course of a 6,000-word interview that is largely about herself, she made only one passing mention of the coronavirus pandemic, which has now killed 900,000 Americans, including many thousands of her own constituents in the Bronx and Queens.

She made no reference to the provocative threats made by the Biden administration against Russia}

Which is totally unacceptable by any politician no matter what area of the political spectrum they come from.

{When asked whether she supported Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, Ocasio-Cortez replied in typical politician-speak that she opposed any leadership challenge:

“It’s really all about a specific moment that we’re in. We are in such a delicate moment of the day-to-day, particularly with the threats to our democracy.” In other words, Ocasio-Cortez argues that it would be improper to challenge the right-wing leadership of the Democratic Party due to the right-wing leadership of the Republican Party. Whether the “moment” for a leadership change will eventually come is “a larger question of conditions and circumstance.”}

In other words. A word even. Compliance. Weighing and evaluating factual information will not be tolerated. Exposing horrendous manufactured agendas rather than points of genuine advancements must be deceptively controlled talking points, only.

{These statements are in reference to a party whose leadership recently passed a resolution declaring that the January 6 coup attempt was “legitimate political discourse.” Ocasio-Cortez cites the danger of the far right as a reason to support Speaker Pelosi and at the same time urges readers to “appeal to the good natures” of the party that is the primary source of that danger.}

There has been so many indications she's an air head it's pathetic she's a representative of the American people. Even within this manufactured structure of deceit. But it works for them 😟 It clearly explains how she was falsely portrayed as a simple bar tender to being a representative in such a short span, virtually over night with virtually no campaigning.

{But Ocasio-Cortez regained hope when she ran for Congress as a Democrat. The way to combat “hopelessness,” Ocasio-Cortez said, is to apply pressure to those in power to encourage change from within the political establishment. “When people start engaging individually enough, it starts to amount to something bigger” and “threatens the legitimacy of mass-media outlets, institutions of power, etc. It has to get so big that it is unignorable, in order for these positions up top to respond.”}

She contradicts her prior statement.

{The reality is the exact opposite of what Ocasio-Cortez and the DSA claim. The greater the demand for change from below, the more ruthless the Democrats are in pursuing the interests of the financial aristocracy and suppressing social discontent.

Aware of the danger of growing social opposition to war, inequality and the threat of dictatorship, Ocasio-Cortez discouraged readers from using words like “capitalism” and “socialism.”

“We have to talk about patriarchy, racism, capitalism, but you’re not going to have those conversations by using those words,” she said. Instead, “You have to have those conversations by really responding in uplifting moments.”}

Unlike Jill Stein who actually provided a physical presence on multiple occasions, AOC is completely absent when it matter most. Here's something you might not know about AOC, being it's one of the hidden in the false narrative of her arrival on the political scene. While in collage she served in Ted Kennedy's office of immigration issues and foreign affairs. {"I was the only Spanish speaker, and as a result, as basically a kid – a 19-, 20-year-old kid – whenever a frantic call would come into the office because someone is looking for their husband because they have been snatched off the street by ICE, I was the one that had to pick up that phone. I was the one that had to help that person navigate that system."} Yet while Trump had and now Biden has a major inhuman situation going on on the border, her experience there is non-existent. Has she even spoken of the experiences she could apply to the very same aspects that are a major issue on the border? The border doesn't even make the news today! While this issue virtually engulfs her existence within life, silence becomes her for their existence within our society. It's socially and politically criminal on her part!

{It is notable that Ocasio-Cortez also made reference to growing criticism against her from the left, noting that “some ‘principled leftists’” have opposed her use of political stunts to cover for conventional Democratic Party politics. The fact that Ocasio-Cortez uses the term “principled leftists” in scare quotes, as an insult, only further exposes her role as an unprincipled conventional capitalist politician whose role is to block the development of a socialist movement independent of the corporate-controlled two-party system.}

William_Mary 8 Feb 17
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10 years from now when AOC is the 1st woman "socialist" president and she hasn't fulfilled any promises on her way to the presidency, people will still gush over her because she talks a good game. Then when her 8 years of platitudes and mediocrities are over while she continues the U.S war machine and corporate ass kissing, her fans will praise her as being the best president in the history of the U.S. Then she will get some consultant job or make speeches for millions of dollars at corporate functions and her fans will shake their heads in agreement. All while claiming to be left wingers. The Republicans will act as her opposition the whole time and put the communist label on her even harder than they do now. Actual left wingers who criticize her will get canceled and ridiculed and called stupid, right wing, racist, and misogynistic. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

In other words. She'll get the Obama treatment. And his supporters are still giving blissful glorification to him for achieving exactly all the same things you mentioned. Including playing a major role in diminishing the BLM movement.

@William_Mary Yep.

@William_Mary Precisely, the same playbook, script and path as Obama. And to this day, I still can't honestly discuss his betrayals of progressives and his corruption with liberal Dems without them threatening to drop me from friendship as well as them questioning my sanity. They are so deluded and brainwashed by the media and the Dem Party.


All of it is just political theater! I'm sick of this 2 party crap we have here! Thing's will not change because everyone is bought and paid for by the super wealthy and corporations.

It's seemingly a useless battle at times. It seems worse if you don't apply all the venues available though also. Which I have occasionally voiced here in regards to reading comments on articles, preferably those I post here where people share our ideology. Who also provide other insights and opinions. Which I also mentioned not to long ago about adding these sites on your social media accounts where you can easily share them even if you don't apply comments for what ever reason. Planting a seed with a share can help to at least cause some induced thought. There's a lot of people out there that don't even know there's another realm of information for them. Or their perception is managed to avoid it which takes someone they know to encourage it.

I've been in it since 2016. I've seen the changes in people in slow increments. While my advocacy for Sanders in 2016 ended in a horrific manor and new found realization that the problem goes so much deeper than I knew, which I attempt to expose here, that experience provided a large degree of hope. I witnessed people of all stages of life and party affiliations who were willing to vote for a socialist. Made the changes to do so. And a lot of them did so due to the information I provided to them from the some of the sources I use here because they were able to see the other side of what is being suppressed from them. My resources have grew to sites like particularly WSWS and BAR due to applying the forum society and links from within articles of my other sources. I began to see a new light that answered exactly what I seen come from Sanders that were haunting me. Which stretches into the black political elite politicians and fake progressives. What Nader and Hedges were speaking about in a discussion before the 2016 primary which Sanders virtually fulfilled that prophecy that I dismissed. Believe me, if I can step back and redevelop my opinions and political ideology, anyone can. It just takes that moment of enlightenment from the right proverbial board upside the head.

After Sanders betrayed us I advocated for Jill Stein and the Green party. I probably would have again if she ran the last time because I may still believe in her. Anything but the duopoly would have been better to expose its true nature. More than the party as a whole though. That's another story. Howie Hawkins took the party into a direction which was basically the same as the DSA does for its followers. It wasn't a genuine attempt towards change, or a genuine campaign to the nature Stein ran. Stein spoke truth towards exposure, Hawkins had a plan of shenanigan's behind him which created more confusion within the party that already existed. And due to that the Green party is virtually silent and a non-player today. I don't even get any post from them on my feed anymore, local or national. A complete turnaround from when Stein was the primary operative. He provided the establishment and media the means to diminish the party into silence. We must not allow that within our cause. Within ourselves.

I've been a socialist minded person since I was so young I can't remember. I've always questioned why the norms of society had the negative perception towards the mere mention of it. I've been reading Marx works for a couple of decades by partial means when I've had the time and its relationship with history. I've searched and reviewed every socialist and communist party, local and national, since I learned how to use the internet that I could find. And only the WSWS and SEP have provided the sense of democratic socialism I feel can provide real changes that most American's desire. Almost all of them resort to either a corporate----state run structure within the communist parties, which we know from our own doesn't work, or seemingly lead back to supporting the current structure via deceitful speak within democratic parties. As most of their publications indicate.

What I see in a lot of comments after articles tend to fit the structure of WSWS and the SEP in growing numbers. The American people are growing tired of being used. Slowly we are pulling them out of the rabbit holes. Whether it's in time before shit hits the fan or after, we need to be there to direct the wonderers into the light. It's just going to be a bumpy ride either way.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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