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Woke Imperialism

Woke culture, devoid of class consciousness and a commitment to stand with the oppressed, is another tool in the arsenal of the imperial state.

Did the lives of Native Americans improve as a result of the legislation mandating assimilation and the revoking of tribal land titles pushed through by Charles Curtis, the first Native American Vice President? Are we better off with Clarence Thomas, who opposes affirmative action, on the Supreme Court, or Victoria Nuland, a war hawk in the State Department? Is our perpetuation of permanent war more palatable because Lloyd Austin, an African American, is the Secretary of Defense? Is the military more humane because it accepts transgender soldiers? Is social inequality, and the surveillance state that controls it, ameliorated because Sundar Pichai — who was born in India — is the CEO of Google and Alphabet? Has the weapons industry improved because Kathy J. Warden, a woman, is the CEO of Northop Grumman, and another woman, Phebe Novakovic, is the CEO of General Dynamics? Are working families better off with Janet Yellen, who promotes increasing unemployment and “job insecurity” to lower inflation, as Secretary of the Treasury? Is the movie industry enhanced when a female director, Kathryn Bigelow, makes “Zero Dark Thirty,” which is agitprop for the CIA? Take a look at this recruitment ad put out by the CIA. It sums up the absurdity of where we have ended up.

Colonial regimes find compliant indigenous leaders — “Papa Doc” François Duvalier in Haiti, Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua, Mobutu Sese Seko in the Congo, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in Iran — willing to do their dirty work while they exploit and loot the countries they control. To thwart popular aspirations for justice, colonial police forces routinely carried out atrocities on behalf of the oppressors. The indigenous freedom fighters who fight in support of the poor and the marginalized are usually forced out of power or assassinated, as was the case with Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba and Chilean president Salvador Allende. Lakota chief Sitting Bull was gunned down by members of his own tribe, who served in the reservation’s police force at Standing Rock. If you stand with the oppressed, you will almost always end up being treated like the oppressed. This is why the FBI, along with Chicago police, murdered Fred Hampton and was almost certainly involved in the murder of Malcolm X, who referred to impoverished urban neighborhoods as “internal colonies.” Militarized police forces in the U.S. function as armies of occupation. The police officers who killed Tyre Nichols are no different from those in reservation and colonial police forces.

We live under a species of corporate colonialism. The engines of white supremacy, which constructed the forms of institutional and economic racism that keep the poor poor, are obscured behind attractive political personalities such as Barack Obama, whom Cornel West called “a Black mascot for Wall Street.” These faces of diversity are vetted and selected by the ruling class. Obama was groomed and promoted by the Chicago political machine, one of the dirtiest and most corrupt in the country.

“It’s an insult to the organized movements of people these institutions claim to want to include,” Glen Ford, the late editor of The Black Agenda Report told me in 2018. “These institutions write the script. It’s their drama. They choose the actors, whatever black, brown, yellow, red faces they want.”

Ford called those who promote identity politics “representationalists” who “want to see some Black people represented in all sectors of leadership, in all sectors of society. They want Black scientists. They want Black movie stars. They want Black scholars at Harvard. They want Blacks on Wall Street. But it’s just representation. That’s it.”


I've warned of these advocacy groups on a few occasions myself in the past. While they may have began with genuine intentions, many often get taken over by party affiliations they make, which then surely leads to corporate donations. Whether those donations come publicly or through dark back door groups, it often results in the groups top leaders becoming greedy and hoarding the funds for personal life style gains. The accomplishment intentions become diminished within what ever field the group advocates in while the party's and corporate entities manage to suppress the initial goals. The followers they brought in essentially become like cannon fodder in a war on the front lines of protest. You can find this atmosphere throughout advocacy groups in regards to supporting green energy, opposing actions of energy companies, BLM, and a long list of others.

Speaking on BLM, as I often have, I'll also add the Congressional Black Caucus in regards to Hedges mention of Glen Ford. For those who haven't followed me long or taken time to educate yourselves to my post, specifically post from BAR in which Ford was a co-founder and editor of, applied a staunch voice against both. If you have an interest in the area of black politics BAR should be on the top of your visits. It should be anyways. To truly understand the nature of our political arena, black politics is an underling means of discovery to be fully educated and informed. []

William_Mary 8 Feb 12
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Yup, identity politics is all bullshit and window dressing, since in the end, the token minority group members that get appointed to positions of power never end up actually promoting any real progressive change or making any changes. Like Thurgood Marshall said, after he retired from the Supreme Court and saw that he would probably be replaced by a token black man, which he was, by Clarence Thomas, that he needed to not just be replaced by a black man, but that it needed to be "the right black man". Boy was he prophetic...

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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