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The Biden-Schumer Plan to Kill More Ukrainians

The $61 billion will make no difference on the battlefield except to prolong the war, the tens of thousands of deaths and the physical destruction of Ukraine, writes Jeffrey Sachs.

President Joe Biden is refusing to fold a losing hand as he bets with Ukrainian lives and U.S. taxpayer money.

Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer propose to squander the lives of tens of thousands more Ukrainians and $61 billions of federal funds to keep Biden’s disastrous foreign policy failure hidden from view until after the November election.

The $61 billion will make no difference on the battlefield except to prolong the war, the tens of thousands of deaths, and the physical destruction of Ukraine. It will not “save” Ukraine. Ukraine’s security can only be achieved at the negotiating table, not by some fantasized military triumph over Russia.

Sixty one billion is not nothing. This worse-than-useless outlay would exceed the combined budgets of the U.S. Department of Labor; Environmental Protection Agency; National Science Foundation; and the Women, Infant and Children nutrition program.

Almost exactly 10 years ago this month, Biden did much to put Ukraine on the path to disaster. This is well known to those who have looked carefully at the facts but is kept hidden from view by the White House, the Senate Democrats, and the mainstream media that back Biden. I have previously provided a detailed chronology, with hyperlinks, here>>> []


The last numbers I heard were closing in on 500,000 Ukrainian deaths on the battlefield. A two year period come 2/22. Another hidden fact would be in regards to Ukraine's security. That fact is that western Ukraine has a significant amount of security considering Putin isn't laying waste to that region. Mainly only targeting weapons and military depots. While the real security issues are in the Donbass and two other regions where Ukraine is constantly targeting civilian populations, daily. When our medias refer to civilian casualties, they're primarily speaking of those that Ukraine killed in the 4 newly rejoined Russian federation territories, or were caught as human shields trapped and not allowed to leave the combat zones, which has been going on since April of 2014. The picture our medias project of civilians being killed under Ukrainian controlled areas aren't quite fitting to their reporting. It's deceptive on multiple fronts.

{Most Ukrainians themselves were also firmly against the plan, favoring neutrality over NATO membership. The Ukrainian Rada declared Ukraine’s state sovereignty in 1990 on the basis of becoming “a permanently neutral state.” In 2009, the people of Ukraine elected Viktor Yanukovych, who ran on a platform of neutrality.

In early 2014, the U.S. decided to help bring down Yanukovych in a coup. This was standard U.S. deep-state operating procedure, one used on dozens of occasions around the world.}

This is simply another form of the elite welfare plan where our national treasury {tax dollars} is used towards building killing fields on the foreign scale {abroad}. It works the same as within the domestic scale {here at home}.

Here at home, well designed ponzi schemes are manufactured so that failed businesses can reap the rewards of our tax dollars after the cronies have hoarded the profits they made before hand, then continue within the same failed structure towards the next bailout. Bonuses are dished out, some people retire with those bonuses and or are promoted to other levels of criminality, while monopolies can also be created which also find benefits for such. It's a revolving cycle they all have secured stock in.

Abroad, the modern day think tanks, NGOs and super rich billionaire foundations put a little of their money into doing the work the CIA use to do. They infiltrate a government and supporting medias of the fascist national elements, often creating and adding their own medias also to spew their false narratives and managed information, while manufacturing a body of support of a smaller sect of society which incites chaos who support the government needed to succeed in the project. For a few million the elite and groups put into the project, they're rewarded with large sums of tax dollars via stock from weapons manufactures and the natural resources and or business opportunities they ultimately end up plundering from any said country. And don't forget, our representatives own stock in these corporations also. They become millionaires by these means. Foreign policies of this type are a virtual gold mine for them.

They've held plans for what they'll be doing in Gaza once it's cleared out of all the Palestinians. Just imagine the money to be made there to level out all the destruction alone. Then the new housing for the Israeli citizens and new business adventures coming. Hell, properties have probably already been developed, on the market, and sold. Ukrainian farm lands were sold off long ago. Zelensky you might remember showed up at wall street and put his entire country on the market not long ago. Practically begging to sell it off. Come on it!

War and chaos is dam good business for the price of the killing off of your own citizens and the oppression of societies. The oppression occurs to both the targeted society and the society under the the governments targeting the other society. Those under the targeting governments are so indoctrinated into a delusional reality that they fail to see or feel the oppression though. They eat the constant growth of inflation as a normality, the loss or rights become complacency, those falling into the cracks and on the streets are overlooked and problematic like the immigrants these foreign policies create. This year we'll go vote for more of the same. Because our medias aren't properly informing us of the reality as they're an arm of those creating all of the above.

William_Mary 8 Feb 9
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The following article claims to explain how some 1½ billion dollars was fraudulently made by the Biden family & their dubious Ukrainian associates.


Perhaps a $61 billion theft out of the US treasury is small price to pay to keep a lot of indictments from surfacing?

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 11, 2024

Good article btw. It should give many pause for thought but I won't hold my breath.

Why Hunter and Biden keep managing to avoid justice.


@William_Mary my very old now dead Dutch friend who grew up under Nazi occupation always used to quip that the Chinese had the simplest answer - an ounce of lead in the back of the head. Pol Pot did it much more cheaply with a farm labourer's hoe.

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