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AS`AD AbuKHALIL: Hamas’ Official Account

Hamas speaks for the frustration and disenchantment by Arabs toward the notion of international justice.

In contrast to Western narratives about the Israeli genocidal war in Gaza, the Hamas official narrative (which was released as a special document in Arabic and English) constructs the context in which the Oct. 7 breakout was conceived and executed.

For Arabs the context begins with the Zionist invasion of Palestine and the British sponsorship of the Zionist project in the holy land. For Western governmental and media accounts, it all started on Oct. 7; all was quiet on the Gaza front prior. Nothing happened before.

In fact, Israeli propaganda spreads images of Gaza before the war in which the strip is presented as a resort island, where beaches and amusement parks fill the landscape.

Facts tell a different story.

Hamas relies on what it calls “documented statistical studies in which it is found that between 2000 and 2023, the Israeli occupation army “killed 11,299 Palestinians and injured 156,768” (the number seems inflated but it does not detract from the fact that Israel has been killing Palestinians regularly and consistently since before Oct. 7, and since before 2005 and since before 2000).

Hamas notes that the U.S. never expressed any sympathy for the suffering of Palestinians and even continued to sponsor Israeli occupation and aggression during years of carnage and massacres against Palestinians.

This note will resonate among Arabs but won’t make a dent in Western conscience because racism has always been a determinant of Western foreign policy toward the region. Arab lives never mattered like Israeli lives.


I'm going to start first in the middle of that this time then go back up. Please bare with me. Facts tell a differnet story. As the group is conformed on, the description of and past post bare evidence to basically everything mentioned above. Within the west, their delusional reality is in constant confrontation with facts. Context, narratives, and facts constantly face a manufacturing of distortion and make believe. It works well being many believe what they're being told. They begin to betray their own intelligence doing so. If you're ignorant of history you're a perfect target within especially foreign affairs in the political arena towards being conned into a manufactured atmosphere.

The Gaza issue has been primarily projected as a Muslim -- Jewish affair. What hasn't been exposed is that there are also Christians and other religions that have been among who are facing this slaughter. As the writer brings notice to, which by now everyone should be educated on, this genocide campaign didn't just begin months ago, or even in 2000. It's been going on for decades in which more people have been slaughtered time and time again on a periodical basis with virtually no concern from abroad. This shouldn't be happening in our "modern civilized world society."

{The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza has only reinforced the futility of reliance on international organizations and norms. The International Court of Justice report has proven to be utterly ineffectual in the management of the international legal restraints on Israeli genocide.}

This highly correlates to what I have argued in the past about various opposition groups that operate in western counties. I primarily use our own in the US though. They eventually become overwhelmed by affiliating with a particular political party and taking billionaire donations through PACS that ultimately diminish their agendas. When you recognize this on a world stage one has to eventually apply it to the betrayals at home also. It all ends up filtering into the manufactured delusional reality. In which they ultimately become another servant as another means to divide us domestically. Race is most often the target whether it's being done with purpose or silently, outside of environmental issues not on Native lands. Race in regards to Gaza should be obvious, where it is a silent effect in regards to Ukraine. While the west attempts to hide the Nazism of Ukraine that they're funding and supporting without mentioning the Russophobia cancel culture behind it. Domestically, the crimes of corporations and law enforcement go essentially unchallenged. Russia merely gets falsely tagged as a world enemy.

The article goes on towards that going narrative comparing the defenders to the oppressors.

William_Mary 8 Mar 9
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Furthermore pressure applied to most countries to endorse the US Israeli propaganda.

Watch this explanation:

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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