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If you've had enough of genocide...
If you've had enough of incremental climate action...
If you've had enough of crushing inequality and wealth hoarding... Help us make the demand for change.

Watch Jill's message to learn more, and donate now to get our grassroots movement on the ballot across the country. See her link at the bottom!!!

It was a tough decision. Between Stein and the Socialist Equality Party. Most of my heart is with the SEP. But Stein is right. And, she also is striving forward on part of the people and workers. Climate and resources. She's so close to everything a Marxist would want. What a progressive would want. What a true citizen of the US should want. And it will take time to fully imprecate any resemblance of a means of production anyways. This is the means to a start and new structure for the US.

She can provide the means with the help of a presidential platform however of exposing our representation and MSMs as the treasonist pairing that they are who are working for the ruling class. Not the citizenship! As she delivers one aspect in the video, our elections are a fraudulent scam on multiple levels. And the ruling class provides the vast funding to provide them the means to make them so. The frauds are implicated by both parties that dare not to expose each other, other than through controlled lip service, another tactic to keep us divided. All the background noise that comes within every election cycle from our representation and media is a facade. Over the years I have stated basically all the ways elections are tampered with. 2016 was the most deceptive election cycle in history most likely. You had to be an idiot not to recognize it, or a treasonist yourself to be complicit and or compliant to it.

We took the betraying Bernie Sanders to the top of the democrat party in 2016 through a grassroots movement only to have it stolen from us from the shysters. Our entire core of representation and MSMs allowed it and then participated in covering it up. You can also add our judicial system in with them. Even Sanders joined the club. A Jill Stein victory can be easily accomplished in the same manor! The process would again expose the dirty shenanigans to provide even more support for those who since 2016 have awaken and those who are awakening today in vast numbers due to the crimes of Ukraine over 10 years and Gaza the past several months. Stein has the real genuine message! You see her in the video speaking without script. She doesn't need a speech writer. She's virtually as pure as it comes.

I spent every spare moment I had on facehack advocating for Sanders that year. I witnessed and chatted with people from all walks of life and ages of both establishment parties who were making whatever changes they had to, to vote for him. I seen countless republican voters make the claim they no longer recognized their party. Mostly them from the ages of around 50 into their 70s. I helped a significant amount of people flip through the system in their states to make the changes. I basically began my amateur political commentary work that year by digging up the dirt on Hillieary Clinton, using the few independent sources I had then to deliver the facts exposing her for what she truly is. I became a troll like figure on democratic groups while combating their trolls on Sanders groups exposing Clinton supporters as the mis/disinformation idiots they are. They will be for Biden also.

What he might have left! Many reports go along the lines of people having had enough after the continuation of funding and supporting the genocide of Gaza. He's losing ground! What do you think is going to happen when those people and more put the missing puzzle of Ukraine they know little about to Gaza? It's going to happen! Because there are more people out there like my 2016 self today who know the truth about Ukraine. They got away with their mis/disinformation after Feb 22, for quite some time even. Today though, the support for Ukraine has drastically dropped off. Then I was the rare Russian apologist found in opposition of our governments actions. Because most didn't fully understand, if they even knew, of the period from 2014 to 2022. That isn't the case today! Today I see a vast difference in the number of people in the US on social media who are now awake in regards to the Ukraine issue and speaking out about it. Comments on RT pages are full of disgruntled Americans who oppose our governments actions. More Americans are turning to RT to find the truth and to keep informed because they know our MSMs will only deliver the manipulating hegemony message.

I'll argue right now that your real choice within a probability will be a vote for Biden and lose to another Trump presidency. Or unite behind a person who genuinely has your interest in her heart and mind.

It's time we join Europe within the no more movement that is reverberating throughout their countries! Not just our country, but the world is in peril! And our representation has been tossing our hard earned tax dollars to fund and support that peril for over 2 decades now. Peril today is now at its most grotesque and monstrous levels. These genocides aren't just happening in Gaza and Ukraine. They're happening in Yemen and Africa also at the hands of multiple government efforts. Iraq wants the US out. Most if not all African countries are attempting and voicing that all European countries within get out. Those who aren't support terrorist group actions in collaboration with western governments. They moved their terrorist movements to Africa when their chaos campaigns were accomplished in the middle east. They have ISIS in Syria now working for them. They work with them in a lot of ways attempting to achieve further destruction of the Syrian government while stealing their oil and place genocidal sanctions. With the ultimate goal to bring Bashar al-Assad down and install another puppet government.

I donated to both Stein and the SEP about 3 weeks ago. For this month, that 30,000 just became 29,880 as my part. Out Of The Illusion!


William_Mary 8 Apr 7
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

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