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Caribbean countries making claim for compensation from Britain over nearly 300 years of slaving..

Mia Mottley, the prime minister of Barbados, which is leading the charge on the issue of reparations among the West Indies states, met King Charles in London earlier this month for negotiations ahead of the 56-nation summit. Mottley reportedly praised the monarch for declaring two years ago that slavery is “a conversation whose time has come,” although Buckingham Palace hasn’t unveiled further details of what were called “private discussions.”Last month, addressing the UN General Assembly in New York, Mottley called for an additional decade to “complete the unfinished work and address the matter of reparations for slavery and colonialism.” In 2023, she urged the UK to pay $4.9 trillion in reparations for the transatlantic slave trade. Former prime minister Sunak said in 2023 "trying to unpick our history is not the right way forward and is not something we will focus our energies on.” Daily Mail

UK to face ‘astonishing’ slavery reparation claims – media []

FrayedBear 9 Oct 13
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What a joke

Tejas Level 8 Oct 13, 2024

Please explain your opinion. Are you for or against the claim & why?

@FrayedBear Been a long time and they want a ton of money. Maybe just drop this one and let it rest. It's kinda like this. I have an ex-wife who is black. That does not mean in the least that I think a black person who had a grandfather or great grandfather who was a slave should be getting any money. Nope, it was not you so you do not get any money. Sorry!

@FrayedBear reparations to people for things that happened to their ancestors is ridiculous

@Tejas thank you for clarifying your reply.

@Tejas, @DenoPenno thank you for your opinion.
The problem that I have with the claim is that the article does not specify how todays litigants are affected by the past practices.

@FrayedBear a lot of countries are voicing such actions. Poland even has voiced such with Ukraine in regards to the genocide campaign against their people during WWll. None of these places are likely to see a dime though.

BUT! In regards to Latin American and Africa, especially, the colonial nations which invaded them over multiple centuries, and the Vatican, should at least return the numerous artifacts which were stolen during those time periods related to their cultural heritage and descendants.

@William_Mary having learnt\understood a little more since I made the above query, I'm wondering if there isnt a case for the people of the world to be suing the English goldsmiths who fraudulently used others gold to create the wealth now enjoyed, & continuation of crime perpetration, by the US Federal Reserve & western banking systems.

My response to the problem of the Israeli Jews has been to solve it with lobotomy of the lot of them but now as I consider they have moved beyond even that redemption to simply nuke them all before they nuke us.
Similarly the problems of former colonials should be equally resolved with a redistribution of world wealth through an equally innovative solving of the Gordian knot.

@FrayedBear England currently holds approximately 3 billion of gold that belongs to Venezuela they are withholding from them. Have been for several years. The US has a hold on all of Citgo's money in the US. Again has had a hold on it for several years. Apparently, having handed a significant amount of it over to their fake interim president they placed a few years back. This scam artist they manufactured up as a ghost president walked off with millions if not billions. He's probably living quite comfortable on an island somewhere, freely, so to say. Search your beeches! Maybe he'll buy you a drink.

@William_Mary this morning I posted Scott Ritter's opinion on the situation currently. I was fascinated to hear him express his opinion of USA policy toward the end of the video. It is basically what I've been saying for quite a while."Listen to Scott Ritter clearly analyse what will occur if Israel continues its psychopathic policies..."

I then posted Shahid Bolsen's erudite opinion at "Shahid Bolsen opens a very unexposed opinion on the Middle East conflict that points to ..."

@FrayedBear apparently, Ritter isn't allowed here in the community any longer either.

@William_Mary My post is closed & only allowed to level 7+ members. I can still watch the video - I tested start, middle & end watching in the phone app. Weird.

@William_Mary pirates.

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Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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