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Trump-Media Logrolling


Take to mind. A lot of our news papers today are now also owned by the very 6 people that own well over 90% of main stream media working the managed perception agenda on the population. When it comes to national and world events you're more likely only getting part of the whole story. A very small part. I was thinking all day about how I was going to go into this. This guy saved me a lot of time!

William_Mary 8 Aug 16
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Sometimes it seems as if the media that you do get back and forth is only something to catch your eyes and sell newspapers or make you read the stuff regardless of format. Reporting has turned into the selling of stories. One old saying is yet true. If you wanna know what is going on just follow the money.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 16, 2018

Yes, catchy headlines for eye candy. That's part of our problem. To many people don't take the time to actually read much, if any, of an article. And then think they know the whole story from that headline. And the main stream media knows this now. They can condition people to a certain reaction pattern with repetitive coverage of the same issue. They just have to change a few words from day to day. The false Russian narrative is a prime example. I will argue most people don't even read much, if any, of an article on that issue today. And think they are updated to the reality of it by that headline alone. First they planted the seed after the election. If they went through a complete article then, most likely down to just the headlines now. So those of us trying to get the results of a real journalist' work out now, being time was needed for the whole truth, there's no interest in learning. Which is why it is so easy for the main stream media to still today claim it was a hack, when we have more evidence it was actually a leak from within the DNC. When it comes to TV, they just repeat and repeat each night drilling it in to form an illusion.

@William_Mary I'm not so sure it is a false Russian narrative. Why all the trouble with it and people going up for charges? If it was a leak from the DNC then I have to assume Hillary really did want to destroy her chances OR she was so scared of Trump winning that she had to get the dirt on him. As I remember it nobody at that time thought Trump had a chance in hell of winning!

@DenoPenno what charges Deno? Give me one example of any charges in relationship to election tampering or of having hacked the DNC data base. Even the earliest indictments of the click bait shop was problematic when Mueller took it before a hearing. There have been no charges or indictments that are related to the issue that was first brought up. Mueller is essentially doing the DOJs job. Not the special investigation he was hired for. As for Clinton, they have been purposely pushing the truth of how they conducted the primary under a rug to avoid the damage of losing supporters. There's a long list of issues I don't have time right now to go into being I'm at work. And they are purposely keeping them out of the main stream media for the benefit of both parties.

@William_Mary I don't have the link but there is a list of Mueller charges for most people he has investigated and is taking to court so far. These people want to make plea deals.. Trump wants to make plea deals. That's what his lawyers are doing when it is plain they do not want Trump answering questions in front of Mueller. What are they afraid of? Is the orange man going to incriminate himself? Most likely he would. Now the GOP claims his revoking of security clearances is because Trump found out about this deep plot against him and wants to stop Mueller's investigation. People forget that Trump just might be angry. I think he is angry and afraid. He vows to destroy those who are against him. Who's going down here? It's people that have surrounded Trump. The man won't just STF up and let Mueller do his investigation. That's what the rest of us should do too. When it comes to Trump I keep hearing building and changing lies daily and most of those are from his supporters.

@DenoPenno with all due respect Deno, you seem to be locked in that hate Trump mode they want you in. I despise Trump as much as any other person can. I made my arguments against him during the primary voicing it was a charade to get him elected, and he was. You can thank the media, Clinton, and the DNC structured plan towards their supposed strategy for that. That's all on record and you can thank WIkiLeaks for that. But he's there now. First thing is to get over that and see what's going on around him. I'm sure they're scared to death to let him in a room alone with Mueller! You mentioned some of the obvious reasons. He has no control when his mouth opens. It seems to me you have forgotten what this special investigation was about. It wasn't about money laundering or off shoe accounts. Or how Gates pinched the till of Manafort's workings. Those are issues the DOJ and congressional courts should have been on top of as these people were brought into Trumps administration. It wasn't about Flynn's ability to make money in Russia doing speeches and so on. Although that might raise an eyebrow, that was also the responsibility of the DOJ and congressional hearings when he was added to the administration to look into. In which they did and he was then fired for leaving out some information. Late in the game, but done. None of which was tied to the original Russian interference. You, like myself, should be asking yourself, why isn't this investigation doing what it was suppose to be doing. For 2 years now all we have gotten is a dozen people or so who ran a click bait shop in St. Petersburg Russia that spent some where around $100,000 on adds at Facebook that had no influence on the election. And when Mueller took that in front of a congressional hearing got his ass handed to him. Because he didn't expect them to show up to answer the indictment. And when their lawyers ask for copies of the evidence Mueller went into panic mode. Bringing up the click bait shop on indictments was merely a way for him to add a false narrative to Russian collusion to spice up what he hasn't been able to put anything real on. And it backfired on him. The one thing Russian in this entire quagmire is no longer a story. That should be a grave concern and loudly questioned. Quite frankly, everything Mueller has at this point should be handed over to the DOJ and an end put to this special investigation and the waste of tax payer money going towards it! Let the DOJ do the job they should have been doing all along.

@William_Mary You have some very good points that I agree on. For one thing, I see both political parties having some split within and not knowing what to do. That part is really scary. Hating Trump is a natural with me. His tweets are the biggest lies of contradiction I have ever seen. As for Facebook, don't sell their influence short. They have changed since the election but they had posts by trolls who wanted everyone to favor Trump. You have to consider how many in America read things in Facebook. This is why I say Hillary did not sabotage her own campaign. She did, however, have an iron control that hurt the entire DNC and they were caught off guard. Put it all together and Trump won by electoral vote.

@DenoPenno It's all scary Deno 🙂 I'd like to be able to pick your mind in person as far as what you mean by the parties have some splits. I don't see or feel splits. Each party has it's public agenda they voice while rarely upholding that voice. Unless there is a major outcry from the public do we seem able to create much of a check on their balance. The recent issue with the parade might be a good example. But at the end both parties seem to always come to a conclusion that again rarely goes well for the public.

Trump's tweets are a distraction, and used to bolster support from his base. They are another means to keep us from knowing what is really going on outside of the few issues the main stream media works on with the establishment. While half the people are losing their minds over those tweets and the other half are defending them, we are helping to support 2 countries that are humans rights violators destroy and bomb innocent civilians in 2 other countries. Which most of them have little to no knowledge of it being done, why, and or how. Also have no to little understanding of why or how the Ukraine situation came into play, or of the CIA's actions in Venezuela and other Latin American countries are playing out. Because they only get a few moments of false propaganda lines from the main stream media and those tweets they use to manage their perception.

I don't sell facebook short by any means. You think that there were trolls working only for Trumps benefit? News Flash! The democratic and republican parties both have their own troll sites. As a Sanders supporter who often visited his troll sites supporting him, we were often visited by trolls of the opposing parties. Some of those democratic party trolls even went as far as going onto 2 of Sanders facebook sites and post porn on them which lead to having them shut down for several hours before being reinstated 1 weekend. Corporations have their own click bait and troll sites for their support of a chosen candidate. We are bombarded by these sites each and every day outside of election periods. The last thing I'm worried about is the effects of a dozen Russian people of a couple of Russian corporations from a click bait shop in Russia who only spent a little more than 100k during that election cycle. Compared to all the other entities right here in the US who have an agenda to spread a false managed perception to benefit their candidate of choice. I personally have a grain of sand to offer our population as far as what I can provide to people on facebook to read compared to all those entities working against me! Believe me, many like me spent countless hours trying to get the truth out about both Trump, Clinton, and their history's to sway people from voting for more of the same from either of these 2 nightmares. I'll say I'm sorry now, being you seem to think Clinton would have been any better than Trump. But she wouldn't have been. Ask Iraq, Libya,Syria, and parts of Latin America how she works. They all have felt the wrath of the Clinton machine. And she would have continued the same agenda and policies we're getting from Trump and got from Obama. The only difference we have in a Trump presidency is that we gave the republicans the permission to move the country towards the right on a fast pace scale. Which is the way it's suppose to work, they work.

Actually, Trump may have not really won the electoral. If you caught any of my post from yesterday you would have a better understanding of this. Or maybe better put, could have lost. If both parties wouldn't have engaged in the magnitude of voter purging and election tampering as they did, it's very likely Clinton would have won. So this may be another aspect of Clinton having not only shooting herself in 1 foot, but both feet. She may be putting on quite the show, but 1 thing I can guarantee you is that she isn't feeling as sorry for her lose as some feel for her. She's just as happy and rich today as she was in 2016 and still thinks of her supporters as deplorable.

@William_Mary All pretty good but it was not Hillary's supporters that she thought was deplorable.

@DenoPenno you're right. I cross referenced to another issue. It was during a speech to her wall street backers where she made light to our importance in the political nature. I'm paraphrasing of course. Possibly our existence even. Which was as I take it, all of us common folk. I personally find the use of deplorable's as a means to describe Trump supporters as low as some of Trump's statements. Some of them are my family, friends, acquaintances, and co-workers. And I would have to stoop to the same level when referring to those that support the democratic party also. I even hate to use the word ignorant being some don't quite understand the use of it and take it as an insult. So I tend to use it as lightly as possible. Being I find those still supporting either of those parties uninformed and in compliance to their injustices in which the main stream media helps to keep them delusional.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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