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American decline: Open pools of raw sewage in the richest country in the world

As the wealthy continue sucking the country dry, the question now isn’t if the US will cease to provide a decent standard of living for its people. Rather it is how many people will be sacrificed on the way down.


{“The United States is one of the world’s richest, most powerful and technologically innovative countries; but neither its wealth, nor its power, nor its technology is being harnessed to address the situation in which 40 million people continue to live in poverty,”wrote Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.}

To put this in perspective, that 40 million in our country is 8 million more than the entire population of Venezuela. In which the westernized world is using humanitarian crisis as a reason to, well, add to the humanitarian crisis, which was minimal before they decided to interfere. Since they began their interference, an estimated 40,000 have died because of their added extreme sanctions from 2017. Which was shortly after Abby Martin completed her documentary work there.

{And then there is the issue of water. There are over 3,000 counties across America whose water supplies have lead levels higher than in Flint, Michigan, and nothing substantial is being done to address the problem.}

Here's that question---Do you need a moment? That's 3,000 counties across the US that are poisoning their children! Their most vulnerable future citizens from the right to advance mentally and physically. For that to sink in?

{Researchers say the life expectancy gap, as high as 20.1 years between rich and poor counties, resembles the gap seen between low-income countries versus rich countries. In other words, there are pockets of the US that have the characteristics of third world countries. It seems that the US in many ways, after having destroyed other parts of the world, has turned inward on itself, sacrificing its most vulnerable citizens at the altar of capitalism.}

The most disturbing part of this is the fact that this system also produces its own self military draft. A reason many flee from the purposely placed poverty and join the military as an out. Where many who have felt the wrath of a system that has oppressed them then go join the main cause of world oppression. And this weekend many have/will go to DC to honor that systems fallen under the mask of Rolling Thunder. Essentially supporting our own demise as a nation since at least WWII. I could go into reasons it actually started with WWI. But the substantial message staunchly began with the illegal invasion of Iraq!

{All empires fall after all. And Donald Trump is accelerating the process. His Republican tax plan was a massive giveaway to the rich. It even included a special tax cut for private jet owners. The US might have the highest child poverty and infant mortality rates in the developed world, but the political class believe private jet owners deserve a break!}

Is it just Trump!?! It had to be voted in!

William_Mary 8 May 27
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There are many paradoxes in this world. The land that did many Christian crusades, religious persecution is now one of the most non-religious (the U.K.), the one with the most Gods, 330 million has the most misery (India) and belief systems (organized religions) that claim to be based on compassion and mercy have committed the most violence and atrocities. Only my world is what I claim it to be... dark (and tempting).

St-Sinner Level 9 May 27, 2019

On my TV Guide, RT is listed as Russia Today, TV. Where does this source, originate and who funds it?

RT is a Russian government funded news source. And yes, that provides the American establishment a ton of false rhetoric to create a false narrative that it is used as Russian propaganda aimed at America. But the truth is it provides American journalist who can't get covered in or by American MSM within the US. And again yes, they are branded as Russian agents often, again, falsely.

I am an avid watcher of the Rick Sanchez news program at nights. He provides a totally different view on US news you will not hear from our MSM. It's the difference between night and day. He even has a couple of right wing political analyst on his show he allows to give their opinions on matters. I don't care for them, and personally think he goes to easy on them, but Sanchez provides what is obviously a more accurate and fact based atmosphere he debates with them. Even allowed one of them to run the show for a week he took off. Actually doing a decent job of being fair and honest.

There are a number of really good programs on RT that could do our country good if people could get past the false rhetoric. I'd go into those people but we are getting ready to go out riding and get something to eat. Here is a list of the shows, mostly American. [] If there's any you'd like some information on I watch about a half dozen of them I'll be happy to give you my opinion on later. I'm sure you've seen my post of Chris Hedges videos, one of my favorites. Sanchez use to be an anchor in the Florida area. But ran into issues and became distraught when they began suppressing the type of coverage he wanted to cover. Another Robert Parry type of deal.

RT America----[]

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